Support Canada’s Ethical Oil Program (and Free Speech)! Alykhan Velshi is an Ismaili Muslim, in the noble modernist tradition of A.A. Fyzee, who graduated with a law degree from The London School of Economics. In July, 2005 he wrote these frank words published at NRO: The war on terror is not simply against terror-sponsoring […]
National Review September 20, 2011 Suppose, for the sake of argument, you share the goal of Osama bin Laden and his surviving lieutenants: In other words, you desire to see the world dominated by a new caliphate. Is it really that helpful to have the livelier lads flying planes into skyscrapers? As we saw […] The Tundra Tabloids apologizes for just getting this in, if the TT had been there, the pics and story would have already been online. There were over a thousand Finns gathered last Tuesday in the center of Helsinki to demonstrate their support for Israel’s capital to remain undivided. KGS Translation: Up to a thousand […] “I Cherish & Love Everything Israel Represents in the Middle East”: Friends In The South … and Friends In The North On 17 September in Perth, the most isolated city in the Southern Hemisphere, on the Swan River in Western Australia, some 300 Israel-supporters of diverse backgrounds gathered to express their solidarity with Israel […]
Europe’s Moral Decadence Fuels Spread of Islamic Fundamentalism Posted By Bruce Bawer URL to article: On September 15, PJMedia ran a piece [1] by me about the famous Muhammed cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, who a couple of days earlier was scheduled to have taken part in a press conference in Oslo, Norway, to celebrate […] Evolution of European Gaza Strips: The 5 steps All over Europe, Islamic parallel societies are developing. Many of them seem to move towards becoming Gaza-like areas, characterized by overpopulation, a low level of education, high crime rates, racism against Jews and other non-Muslim groups, an Islamic political and economic infrastructure, and a general hateful […]
Saudi Arabia beheads Sudanese man for “sorcery” Notably missing from this report is any plea on his behalf from Sudan. If Sudan indeed stood on the sidelines, it would certainly be in keeping with the Sudanese president’s own statement that “Sharia law has always stipulated that one must whip, cut, or kill.” “Saudi Arabia […]
France Bans Muslim Street Prayers “An Occupation Without Tanks and Soldiers” by Soeren Kern The French government has enacted a new law prohibiting Muslims from praying in the streets, but on the first day of the ban hundreds of Muslims defied the law by taking over streets and sidewalks in Paris and other French […]
Adam Hasner is a former nation co-chairman for the citizen action group Pass the Balanced Budget Amendment ( and a candidate for United States Senate in Florida.
For decades, the world knew America would stand beside its allies.
In World Wars, and Cold Wars, in good times and bad, an alliance with America meant that even at the cost of blood and treasure, our allies could count on this nation to honor its commitments. Now, President Obama has again put that hard-won reputation at risk by failing to fight a vote in the United Nations that threatens the very existence of Israel, our most faithful ally in the region and the one nation in the Middle East that shares our values.
Even before it became an independent state, the Islamic world denied Israel’s right to exist and sought to destroy it. After launching and losing repeated wars against Israel, they turned to political efforts in the mid-1970’s that have since proven much more successful. In fact, the full extent of their progress and influence will be on display this week in New York City, where the Palestinian Authority and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) intend to force a vote in the U.N. General Assembly to unilaterally declare the independence of a Palestinian state.
The world — or at least the large part of it that hates Israel and wishes it would go away — moves a step nearer that goal this week when the United Nations votes on whether to recognize a Palestinian state. The vote violates the Declaration of Principles signed by the PLO in 1993, which committed the terrorist group and precursor to the Palestinian Authority to direct negotiations with Israel over a future state. This violation is further evidence the Palestinian side cannot be trusted to live up to signed agreements and promises. Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick rightly calls the prospective UN vote “diplomatic aggression.”
Israel — like the Jewish people for centuries — has become the fall guy for people who prefer their anti-Semitism cloaked in diplomatic niceties. The Palestinians could have peace any time they wish and probably a state, too, if they acknowledged Israel’s right to exist and practiced verbal, religious and military disarmament. One has a right to question the veracity of a people who claim they want peace, while remaining active in ideological, theological and military warfare aimed at its publicly stated objective: the eradication of the Jewish state.