GEERT WILDERS IN BERLIN: THE NEED TO DEFEND THE NATION STATE…..***** The Threat of Europeanization and the Need to Defend the Nation-State     Thank you for inviting me to Berlin. It is an honour to be here in this beautiful city of Berlin. When I was here last year I emphasized how important Germany is for all of us. We all benefit from a […]

GATES, FORMER US DEFENSE SEC SAYS ISRAEL IS AN UNGRATEFUL ALLY…..,7340,L-4118316,00.html  Robert Gates: Israel an ungrateful allyFormer US secretary of defense says Prime Minister Netanyahu’s policies isolating Israel on a global level WASHINGTON – Former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates blasted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that his policies were ungrateful towards the US and were isolating Israelon a global level.Gates’ harsh words were […]

Norway Massacre Answered Prayers of Balkans-tinkering Scoundrels : Julia Gorin Culpable fiends forever trying to cover their bloody Balkans footprints predictably leapt at mass killer Anders Breivik’s “Serbian connection” that was predictably played up in news reports. (Still waiting for Timothy McVeigh’s Iraqi and al Qaeda connections to be “unearthed” and played down.) Breivik’s Serbian connection consisted not only of his having had internet […]


Special Interest Racial Incitement at Its Peak By Frank Salvato If you thought the class warfare tactic was being used successfully by the Progressive Left to instigate strife between the upper and lower classes in the United States you need to re-examine what you think you are seeing. With declarations by three Congressional Black […]

ANDREW BOSTOM: RICK PERRY,THE ISMAILIS AND AN ICONIC ISMAILI INTELLECTUAL Rick Perry, the Ismailis, and an Iconic Ismaili Intellectual Andrew G. Bostom While researching my forthcoming book, “Sharia Versus Freedom — The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism,” I discovered the work of an iconic contemporary Ismaili Muslim intellectual, Asaf A. A. Fyzee. As a law professor consummately trained in Western methods of research, he guided […]

ISLAMIC AWARENESS WEEK 2011 NEXT SUNDAY ON 9/11 Islamic Awareness Week 2011 to begin next Sunday Everything I needed to know about militant Islam, I learned on September 11 2001. by Bill Levinson Sunday September 11 will mark the beginning of Islamic Awareness Week, in which we encourage readers to cite the contributions that Islam as practiced on September 11 2001 has […]

BEN SHAPIRO:THE RE-EVALUATION OF CLARENCE THOMAS PLEASE ALSO READ… This week, Jeffrey Toobin, leftist columnist with The New Yorker magazine, wrote a fascinating profile of Clarence Thomas.  Wrote Toobin: “In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court.  Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., […]


Think Progress’s Man of Hate Posted By Daniel Greenfield URL to article: The Holy Land Foundation case did more than bring down the primary fundraising entity for Hamas in the United States; it also exposed the unwillingness of Muslims in America to make a clean break with their sympathies for Islamic terrorism. So it […]

On Being Governed By Scientific Frauds By James Lewis

Page Printed from: The news leaked out a while ago that Al Gore scored a D in natural science at Harvard.  That would be the science introduction for Other Majors, not difficult chemistry or calculus.  So Nobel Laureate Al Gore got a D in Science for Dummies. But don’t worry.  Anybody can blow a […]

LEBANON THREATENS ISRAEL OVER “SEA BORDER” Lebanon warned the United Nations on Monday that Israel’s proposed sea border threatens peace and security, as tensions rise between the neighbours over offshore oil and gas reserves. “Foreign Minister Adnan Mansur has sent a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon rejecting geographic coordinates Israel submitted to the United Nations concerning the northern […]