CAROLINE GLICK: GLENN BECK’S REVEALING VISIT…..NO GREATER FRIEND | American media superstar Glenn Beck’s visit to Israel this week was a revealing and remarkable event. It revealed what it takes to be a friend of Israel. And it revealed the causes of Israel’s difficulty in telling its enemies from its friends. Many world leaders, opinion shapers and other notables profess enduring […]

FOLLOW UP TO “IN THE GARDEN OF THE BEASTS”: ERNEST “PUTZI” HANFSTAENGL, HARVARD AND MOCK TRIALS: RUTH KING In this issue, historian Rita Kramer reviews Eric Larson’s Garden of the Beasts–a narrative of the experiences of the American ambassador to Germany during the years 1933-1938.                 In the book Ambassador Dodd records how the Nazis–from lower communications agency bureaucrats up to Goebbels and Hitler himself–were deeply unsettled by the American State Department’s  […]

HOT PICKS AND VIDEOS FROM FSM   1. VIDEO: Heart-Wrenching Image: Dog Keeps Watch Over Fallen SEAL’s Casket During Funeral 2. VIDEO: Sen. Marco Rubio (R) spoke at the Reagan Library – Wows them in Reagan country – “I was born and raised in Reagan’s America” 3. VIDEO: Letterman jokes about jihadist website death threat 4. VIDEO: An hour after […]


Arab Spring for Dummies Posted By Daniel Greenfield Last year, Israel had three stable borders and one unstable border. Now that the Arab Spring has turned into Terror Summer, those numbers have flipped around. Israel’s border with Egypt has become as troubled as the Lebanese border. And the Syrian border is following close behind. […]

RITA KRAMER: A REVIEW OF “IN THE GARDEN OF THE BEASTS”                 Those accounts we have of life in Germany during the twelve-year Reich have been written by the persecuted, the hunted, the hidden who managed to survive.  In this engrossing, sad, and sometimes infuriating book we learn what it was like to be a stranger, a neutral observer, in the early years of Hitler’s […]

MARK STEYN: GENDERCIDE IN CHINA, PEKING DUCK Peter Kirsanow suggests my new book may get the blame for the earthquake. I’m happy to take credit for the downgrade and the London riots, but to the best of my recollection there’s no ‘quake in there. However, since he brought it up, I’d like to put in a word for my book’s general […]

THE WORM IN THE BIG APPLE: MAYOR BLOOMBERG: MICHAEL HOWARD SAUL Bloomberg Bans Clergy From 9/11 Ceremony but Ground Zero Mosque OK Read more: Religious leaders are calling on Mayor Michael Bloomberg to reverse course and offer clergy a role in the ceremony commemorating the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. Rudy Washington, a deputy mayor in former Mayor […]

ALLAN NADLER: THE TRAGIC SAGA OF 500 SOVIET YIDDISH ARTISTS STOLEN BY STALIN’S HENCHMAN IN THE LATE 1940s Hidden Master By Allan Nadler The saddest saga in Jewish literary history involves some 500 Soviet Yiddish artists who were stolen away by Stalin’s henchmen in the late 1940’s.  Accused of a variety of heresies against the doctrine of “socialist realism” demanded by Soviet cultural commissars, they met a tragic fate after twenty years […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: POLITICAL MESSIAHS IN TAILORED SUITS Let’s not pretend that the right is any more immune to leader worship and cults of personality than the zombie hordes on the left. The cult of personality as a means of power predates political orientation, it dates back to the first men who understood that leadership is not about doing what the tribe […]

PERRY GAINS : FRONT RUNNER….DAVID ELDRIDGE Perry leapfrogs rivals in polls Texan is new front-runner among GOP presidential hopefuls Unsatisfied Republicans who have flitted from Donald Trump to Herman Cain to Rep. Michele Bachmann this presidential-nomination season may have found their man in Rick Perry: The Texas governor, in the race less than two weeks, holds double-digit leads in two […]