Turmoil in Jordan over WikiLeaks cables Yoel Meltzer Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/09/turmoil_in_jordan_over_wikileaks_cables.html The recent disclosure by WikiLeaks of cables sent by the American Embassy in Amman back in 2008 has created a storm in Jordan. The King has accused the Americans of meddling in domestic affairs by trying to force an unsolicited change in his […]
US-Israel Ties: Conventional Wisdom Challenged http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=526 The suggestion that US-Israel relations are trending downward is a derivative of baseless conventional wisdom, as reflected in a recent study by Haim Malka, the Deputy Director of the Middle East Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. For example, conventional wisdom assumes that the recent turmoil, […]
http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2011/09/22/poll-likely-american-voters-are-islamo-realistic/ Poll: Likely American Voters Are Islamo-Realistic Posted By Andrew Bostom On September 22, 2011 @ 11:17 am A national poll of 1,000 likely voters [1] was completed in August by Democratic pollster Pat Caddell, and Republican pollster John McLaughlin for Secure America Now. The published results [1] indicate that unlike our media, academic, and […]
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4125645,00.html The idea that creating a second Arab Palestinian state will solve the problem not only defies reality, it prevents other options and undermines Israel’s legitimate claims. Why not consider other options? Because anything less than a Palestinian state and full sovereignty negates the Arab resistance movement that has sought Israel’s destruction for the […]
Click here: In Ohio, ObamaCare Will Increase Premiums 55-85% – Maggie’s Farm In Ohio, ObamaCare Will Increase Premiums 55-85% Then add in the additional taxes within and caused by ObamaCare. High price to pay, huh. Hope there’s any Change in left in pockets. At the request of the Ohio Department of Insurance, benefit consultants Milliman, […]
Questions for Gov. Romney on the Constitutionality of Social Security By Andrew C. McCarthy http://www.nationalreview.com/blogs/print/277926 Reading Katrina’s post, I think it’s very interesting, and welcome, that Governor Romney is pressing Governor Perry to answer the question of Social Security’s constitutionality. I just hope that he’s also prepared to answer the question himself. Governor Romney was very […]
http://www.torontosun.com/2011/09/19/take-your-secret-saudi-threats-and-shove-em Take your secret Saudi threats and shove ’em BY EZRA LEVANT,QMI AGENCY FIRST POSTED: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 11:44 PM EDT | UPDATED: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 12:15 AM EDT Saudi Arabia has hired lawyers to threaten Canadian broadcasters who dare to run a TV ad critical of Saudi conflict oil. I know this […]
http://www.jewishideasdaily.com/content/module/2011/9/21/main-feature/1/the-wages-of-durban/e Tomorrow, the United Nations will host “Durban III,” the third gathering of the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance. The chief aim of this conference is to “mobilize political will” for fuller implementation of the Durban Declaration, issued on September 8, 2001. That declaration, which called for the establishment of a […]
http://letthemfight.blogspot.com/2011/09/legitimizing-cold-blooded-murderers -new.html Legitimizing Cold Blooded Murderers; The New Rave! There is barely a day that passes without the drone-like reminder that the world we now live in is riddled with the carnage left by the blood lusting and demonically influenced hordes in our midst. One would think that after 10 years of studying and fighting […]
http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/277843 The Solyndra Non-Investigation Bankruptcy examiners aren’t prosecutors. As Andrew Stiles reported Tuesday on NRO, House Judiciary Committee chairman Lamar Smith (R., Texas) has written to Attorney General Eric Holder to seek the appointment of a special bankruptcy investigator in the Solyndra case. The operative word here is bankruptcy. The bankruptcy process conducted under the […]