ANDREW BOSTOM: BAT YE’OR: “THE UNIVERSAL CALIPHATE STANDS BEFORE US” *****   Bat Ye’or: “The universal caliphate stands before us”   Bat Ye’or’s 2005 Eurabia: the Euro-Arab Axis [2] portrayed Western Europe’s recrudescent dhimmitude, chronicled in real time, by our most informed contemporary scholar of the dhimmi condition. Living as an eyewitness in Geneva—a major European center, with its United Nations, NGOs and other international […]

THE CROWN HEIGHTS RIOT 20 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK: THE TRUE STORY THAT’S NEVER TOLD The Crown Heights Riot, 20 Years Ago This Week, The True Story That’s Never Told  Twenty years ago a tragic car accident in Crown Heights Brooklyn escalated into a pogrom against the Jewish people.  The media gives it a politically correct description, violence between the area’s Blacks and Jews. However the violence was not […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD ON RICK PERRY AND ISLAM….SEE NOTE THIS COLUMN RAISES REAL QUESTIONS WITHOUT DRAWING THE KNEE-JERK CONCLUSIONS THAT PERRY IS A “STEALTH JIHADIST”….THIS PARAGRAPH SAYS IT BEST…..RSK I don’t know how much Perry knows or understands. Which is the larger reason why I’m not harshly attacking him for what he did and said at the state level. A slow trickle of […]


URL to article: The next president of Ireland will not be a terrorism and pedophilia supporter. That sounds like something that should be taken for granted, but in Ireland’s radicalized politics, it very nearly came about. In July, Senator David Norris was heavily favored to be the first gay president of Ireland. His outspoken […]


White House Mischief The Obama administration’s sleazy sleights of hand expose it to ridicule. The White House engaged in two puerile gambits last week that exposed the Obama administration’s amateurish and deceitful Middle East policies in a painfully obvious manner. The first case concerned the thorny issue of Jerusalem’s legal status in American law. […]

ANDREW KLAVAN ON RICK PERRY My Heart Stirred: A Review of Rick Perry’s Speech Posted By Andrew Klavan  I happened upon Rick Perry’s speech [2]this weekend in a manner typical of myself. I had just turned the TV on to program my DVR to record some obscure foreign cultural something-or-other when the Texas governor appeared onscreen to announce his […]

DAVE BOYER: OBAMA HITS THE ROAD TO CALL FOR TAX HIKES AND BLAST GOP….. Obama hits road to call for tax hikes, blast GOP ‘games’ Begins Midwest bus tour with ‘country first’ message CANNON FALLS, Minn. — President Obama launched a Midwestern bus tour devoted to the economy Monday by again calling for tax increases and accusing Republicans who oppose his plans of failing to put the “country […]

EMILY MILLER: OBAMA’S BUS FORCE ONE:Taxpayer-funded campaign stunt seeks to boost president’s flagging popularity President Obama wants us to believe that his bus tour of three battleground states is an attempt to get to know Americans better. No one is falling for it. The commander in chief kicked off his roadshow in Rep. Michele Bachmann’s home state of Minnesota on Monday. He’ll follow up with a visit in […]

BRET STEPHENS: LESSON FROM EUROPE….NO “SOCIAL DEMOCRACY” DOESN’T WORK ‘The real lesson from Europe,” wrote Paul Krugman in January 2010, “is actually the opposite of what conservatives claim: Europe is an economic success, and that success shows that social democracy works.” Here are some postcards from the social democracy that works. • In Britain, 239 patients died of malnutrition in the country’s public […]

NAHMA SANDROW: THE NIGHT OF THE MURDERED POETS On August 12, 1952, thirteen major Soviet Jewish figures were executed for espionage, bourgeois nationalism, “lack of true Soviet spirit,” and treason, including a plot to hand the Crimea over to American and Zionist imperialists.  In the group were famous writers such as Peretz Markish, David Bergelson, and Itsik Fefer—which is why the date […]