There is little doubt that Israel looks to the United States for support. It is somewhat like the picked on younger brother eager to have his older brother come to his aid. For the U.S. and Israel, that has usually been the case, albeit the 1956 war in the Suez was an exception. Now […]
A federal judge in Michigan has ordered a man suspected of supporting terrorist groups held on allegations he tried to crash into the car of an FBI agent who was following him as part of heightened security for the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.
Reed S. Berry, 26, of St. Joseph was under surveillance because of his suspected terrorist links, according to an FBI affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids.
The government has said the links include Internet communication with one or more groups involved in international terrorism.
Defense lawyer Elias Muawad said what the government has labeled terrorist links in court filings appear to be online speech protected by the First Amendment. He also said his client, Berry, has been upset about being under investigation for months, subject to searches and barred from air travel.
“He was feeling like a caged person,” Muawad told The Associated Press on Sunday. Italy’s Frattini Should Be Hillary’s Role Model on the “Apostate” Iranian Pastor Posted By Andrew Bostom On October 3, 2011 [1] Franco Frattini: Upholding Western moral clarity on Pastor Nadarkhani’s “apostasy” conviction The fate of Iranian “apostate” pastor Youcef Nadarkani [2] still hangs in the balance. Contra Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s rather tepid […] The Washington Post is usually a little more careful than the New York Times about blatant bias, but its racism hit-job on Governor Perry sinks to a low, at least so far for this election cycle. Perry is supposed to be responsible for the old slur on a rock at a hunting camp rented by […] Perry Gets Smeared By Henry Payne Detroit — The Obama White House has hardly concealed its preference for Mitt Romney as an opponent, given his Northeast base, his suitability as a class-warfare foil, and especially Romneycare. Rick Perry, by contrast, is a Democrat’s worst nightmare — a conservative southerner from hard-scrabble beginnings with a populist […]
Who is isolated in the Middle East? by Raphael Israeli Leon Panetta, the American Secretary of Defense has just stated on his way to the Middle East, that Israel has never been so isolated in the region and that the current changes in the area are not to its advantage and therefore, based on […]
Rick Perry Wins Support Among Right-Wing Jews
GOP Candidate Has Backing of Hardliners and Ultra-Orthodox
It could have been an awkward moment even for a seasoned politician like Texas Governor Rick Perry. Surrounded by a group of Orthodox rabbis in black hats and black suits during a Hanukkah ceremony at the Texas State Capitol, Perry, now a leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, was swept into a hora dance, holding hands with the Jewish leaders as they surrounded the lighted menorah. But Perry did not seem to mind. “That was a real ‘Dancing With the Stars,’” he said jokingly. The trouble with flavors of the week is that, like chewing gum left overnight on the bedpost, they don’t last very long. Rick Perry, who not so long ago was going to be the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan, could tell you about that. The governor of Texas is still the favorite whipping boy (whipping […]
“A whack-a-mole strategy is hardly enough — especially if Republicans continue sitting this one out.
Imagine, if you can, a debate in which three questioners faced off with the candidates. The Dream Team of questioners would consist of a few men whose knowledge and strategic thinking about the issue of winning war and ending the threat of Islamic terrorism is known for its clarity: Former Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Richard Myers and — since this is, unfortunately, a fictional debate — me. Here are the most important questions the candidates should have to answer:
From Mr. Rumsfeld: “How would you structure and employ America’s military and intelligence capabilities to end the threat of Islamic terrorism? Give us at least three specific points in your answer.”
From Gen. Myers: “In my book Eyes on the Horizon, I wrote that ‘The nations that sponsor terrorism must stop. Compelling states to stop supporting terrorists will often require military activity, which will be inherently controversial.’ Do you agree that we have to end state sponsorship of terrorism and, if so, how would you do it?”
From me: “The war in which we are engaged is in two parts: a kinetic war, which we are fighting in places from Afghanistan to Yemen and more; and an ideological war which we haven’t yet begun to fight. How would you win the ideological war against the Islamists?”
Yet one more way he’s polluting our politics.
I have no idea how Barack Obama got my email address but a few weeks ago there it was in my inbox — a message from the President. I decided to break my lifelong rule of zapping all emails from strangers and so, out of curiosity, I opened it up. I got a lot more than an email.
Under the spell of the wizard in the White House, I then clicked on “I’m in,” opening a floodgate of junk email that now seems unstoppable. A new message from the fundraising team arrives almost daily, sometimes twice a day.
After a few weeks of reading these solicitations, I have to conclude that Obamaspam is indiscriminate in its distribution and offensive in its false bonhomie, its tricky come-ons, its crackerbarrel language (“folks” and “pitch in” recur annoyingly) and its presumption of friendship.
I don’t like being addressed as “Friend'” by people I have never met. I even got one from his wife, signed simply “Michelle.” Fortunately, my wife never saw that one. It was pretty chummy.
The most frequent messages are the ones that insult my intelligence. The series began with the subject line “Sometime soon can we meet for dinner?” Click on that and you get a real downer. You are invited to be among almost a million or so people who are gambling that they will be one of the lucky four selected for his next face-to-face feed with his “Friends.” But if you want to play — another downer — you have to pay. The next click tells you to contribute money if you want to be in the draw.