To the uninitiated, Vladimir Putin has seemingly just undertaken what President Obama might call a “reset” of the Russian political landscape. In fact, the prime minister’s announcement Saturday that he would swap offices with the current president, Dmitry Medvedev, just clarifies an abiding reality: There is not, and since at least 2000 never has […] Bill Clinton joins bon-ton trend of Bibi-baiting throwing some outrageous ethno-religious slurs of his own into the anti-Israel mix. Do whatever you want, you and your family in your home, worship whatever you want, but there has not been, nor will be a church [in the kingdom]… … I do not forget we have […] Hi Gang: The Washington Times published an important story yesterday, September 27 that was written by one of the most experienced journalists who has been covering the “immigration beat” for many years, Jerry Seper. His article is the basis for my commentary this evening. Jerry reported on how 18 members of the United States […] Eighteen Republican senators led by the Senate Judiciary Committee’s ranking member, Sen. Charles E. Grassley, are questioning the Obama administration’s immigration policies, saying they go beyond the scope of the law and allow those who entered the country illegally to remain. Citing a June 17 memo from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and […] ‘Budapest – Europe’s Capital of Anti-Semitism’ The rise of right-wing and anti-Semitic parties heralds a new wave of anti-Semitism that is headquartered in Budapest, Der Spiegel reports. The rise of right-wing and anti-Semitic parties heralds a new wave of anti-Semitism that is headquartered in Budapest, Der Spiegel reports. A long and thorough analysis by […]
Tomorrow night is the beginning of the New Jewish Year. It is really a miracle worth pondering. 5,772 years of problems, bickering, lapses in faith and judgment, Islamic hatred, Inquisition, ghettos, oppressions, pogroms and the Holocaust when one of every three Jews was killed.
But, look at what happened to others …..Mesopotamians? Gone. Holy Roman Empire? Gone. Hellenists? Gone. Ottoman Empire? Gone. Nazis? Gone. The Soviet Evil Empire? Gone. The Phillistines? Well they’re still around even in the United States congress and the media and the European Union.
And we, the Jewish people are still here, and Israel is a modern miracle and answer to the centuries of prayers. Perfect? No. But unlike its barbarian neighbors and despite its bashers, Israel lives and thrives and is defended by the finest and most patriotic Israel Defense Forces…..bless them. We American Jews live in the sunniest corner of the world….bless the good old USA.
That magic chain that started in Hebron is still unbroken despite some weakened links but we still here.
As we used to say in The Bronx, the only borough preceded by the word “the” for good reason….I wish you all my friends and e-pals ” a happy and a healthy”….year that brings health, joy and success to all good people. L’Chaim! 1. VIDEO: Glenn Beck Interviews Reza Kahlili – CIA operative who served in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard 2. VIDEO: Rep. Allen West Schools on Palestinian Statehood 3. Chairman of Joint Chiefs Says Doomsday Cut Would ‘Break’ Military 4. VIDEO: College Republicans At Berkeley Have Affirmative Action Bake Sale 5. VIDEO: Van Jones Says Tea […]
What Constitutionalism Means Soon after Texas governor Rick Perry announced his presidential campaign, a few websites, mostly liberal, compiled a list of the constitutional amendments he has at various times touted. He has spoken favorably about amendments to end the lifetime tenure of federal judges, to allow supermajorities of Congress to overturn Supreme Court […]
Palestinian Death Cult Posted By Giulio Meotti URL to article: Reprinted from Israeli families are not paid rewards by their government when their relatives are killed. Israeli soldiers do not use children as shields when they initiate a firefight with terrorists. Israeli schools and summer camps don’t brainwash pupils to undertake violence against […]
Sharia Vigilante Street Justice in America Posted By Nonie Darwish URL to article: About a year ago, I posted an Arabic language poem titled “Tears at the Heart of the Holocaust” on my website, The poem expressed its Arab author’s love for the Jewish people and his mourning over what happened to them […]