URL to article: http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/gunwalker-atf-walked-guns-directly-to-cartel-using-taxpayer-dollars/
Mike Vanderboegh at Sipsey Street Irregulars and David Codrea at the Gun Rights Examiner have broken an exclusive [1] story [2] that claims the ATF authorized the sale of firearms directly to the agency in order to have them provided directly to the cartels:
A letter forwarded on Friday by a proven reliable source to Gun Rights Examiner and Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars documents Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives management authorizing the sale of firearms, which sources say were intended for delivery to cartel purchasers as part of the “Fast and Furious” / ”Gunwalker” scandal.
A copy of the letter [3], which bears the handwritten note of the gun dealer who accepted it, is also posted at the Examiner. The note reads: “Picked up guns 6/10/10. Paid cash.” The line “Paid cash” was underlined. The ATF special agent authorized to pick up the weapons was John Dodson, the agent who became the first whistleblower on Operation Fast and Furious after two walked guns from the smuggling operation turned up at the scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder.