If you think Abu Mazen’s objective in asking the U.N. Security Council for recognition of the independence of Palestine is the independence of Palestine, stop reading here. Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) is the last of the secular, revolutionary senior Arafat cronies imported from Tunisia — a Soviet-educated octogenarian in a post-Soviet world. Israelis sometimes […] Obama Hits Bottom… Pres. Barack Obama promised to have a plan to pay for his massive new stimulus bill by Monday. He broke that promise, as he has broken so many others, and remains in the “plan to have a plan” stage of his inscrutable meditations, having only made yet another unsubstantial speech, full […]
The Sorry State of Immigration Posted By Matthew Vadum URL to article: The conventional wisdom among conservatives is that if President Obama wins a second term, things on the immigration policy front will become worse. But it’s difficult to see how the situation could become much worse when the state of immigration in the […] Anti-Semitism at Hampshire College In the wake of the federal investigation recently opened to investigate charges of anti-Semitism and a hostile environment for Jewish students at the University of California Santa Cruz, other students who have experienced anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist harassment are coming forward with their stories. Among these are former Hampshire College students […]
Obama: Incompetent or Malevolent? Posted By David Solway URL to article: The phrase “politics as usual” has gained a certain currency in our time. Regrettably, it is no longer relevant. What we are presently witnessing cannot be described as politics as usual. Consider the concatenation of events and factors that now confront us: […]
Barney Frank’s Racist Legacy Posted By Daniel Greenfield
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While the worst financial crisis in the United States since the Great Depression was burning through businesses, jobs and credit like a forest fire, decimating the economy and leaving uncertainty in its wake—Barney Frank was looking around for oil to toss on the flames.On September 16, 2009, the United States House Committee on Financial Services met to discuss the Community Reinvestment Modernization Act of 2009. Underneath that progressive name was the formula to take the entire subprime mortgage crisis and multiply it across as many financial institutions as possible.
Presiding over those hearings was Barney Frank, the congressman who had done so much to bring about the crisis while suppressing the reforms that might have headed it off—and CRMA 2009 displayed the same grandiose level of irresponsibility that had taken down the economy and it was backed by the same poverty pimps who had caused the disaster. Keeping up with the news probably has been very discouraging recently for many Americans. In one 24-hour period, sobering reports poured in warning of historic catastrophes in the United States and Europe. There was a manhunt for al Qaeda terrorists possibly in the United States to mark the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11 with […] Support Canada’s Ethical Oil Program (and Free Speech)! Alykhan Velshi is an Ismaili Muslim, in the noble modernist tradition of A.A. Fyzee, who graduated with a law degree from The London School of Economics. In July, 2005 he wrote these frank words published at NRO: The war on terror is not simply against terror-sponsoring […]
National Review September 20, 2011 Suppose, for the sake of argument, you share the goal of Osama bin Laden and his surviving lieutenants: In other words, you desire to see the world dominated by a new caliphate. Is it really that helpful to have the livelier lads flying planes into skyscrapers? As we saw […] The Tundra Tabloids apologizes for just getting this in, if the TT had been there, the pics and story would have already been online. There were over a thousand Finns gathered last Tuesday in the center of Helsinki to demonstrate their support for Israel’s capital to remain undivided. KGS Translation: Up to a thousand […]