INDONESIA MADRASSA INSTRUCTOR KILLED BY BOMB HE WAS DEMONSTRATING TO STUDENTS Jihadi Work Accident: Indonesian Madrassa Instructor Killed When Bomb He Was Showing Students How To Make Prematurely Detonates… Allah works in mysterious ways. JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A man reportedly trying to show students how to make explosives was killed by a homemade bomb inside an Islamic boarding school in Indonesia, police said Tuesday. […]

EFRAIM KARSH: ISRAEL’S CHAMELEON BENNY MORRIS In the opening scene of Woody Allen’s 1983 film Zelig, F. Scott Fitzgerald is seen to observe a curious little man as he chats with socialites at a sumptuous bash, speaking adoringly of President Coolidge and the Republican Party — all in an upper class Boston accent. Then, an hour later, the renowned […]


* VIDEOS * TODAY’S HOT PICKS * 1. VIDEO: CNBC’s Rick Santelli sides with the 69% of the public that does not want to raise the debt ceiling…”It’s not about politics,” … 2. VIDEO: Social Security Actuary Confirms: Withholding Checks Would be a Political Decision 3. VIDEO: “More Risk” – Ad in response to President’s […]

RETIRED NAVY ADMIRAL JAMES A. LYONS:DISARMED BY SHARIA  hat tip…Atlas Shrugs Pam Geller LYONS: Disarmed by ShariahPolitical correctness prevents Army from recognizing sedition Retired Navy Adm. James A. Lyons was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations. Today, the mind-numbing disease of political correctness has so infected the American military leadership that […]

V.D. HANSON: DUMB AND DUMBER WAR IN LIBYA Almost daily over the last four months we were told that Muammar Gadhafi was about ready to throw in the towel and give up. Libya, after all, is not a distant Afghanistan or Iraq with a population of some 30 million. Yet this tiny police state of less than 7 million people, conveniently located […]

HUMBERTO FONTOVA: CASTRO’S TUGBOAT MASSACRE In the predawn darkness of July 13, 1994, 72 desperate Cubans – old and young, male and female – sneaked aboard a decrepit but seaworthy tugboat in Havana harbor and set off for the U.S. and the prospect of freedom. Let Jimmy Carter hail the “egalitarian society” fashioned by “his old friend, Fidel Castro,” […]

CHARLES HURT: WELCOME TO JIMMY CARTER’S SECOND TERM ANALYSIS/OPINION: It has taken three decades, but Americans are finally living through Jimmy Carter’s second term. Now we’ve got Jimmy Jr. barking at us from the White House about eating our peas and ripping off our Band-Aid. He might not even let us have our Social Security checks. These are just the latest in […]


America the Broken Posted By Roger L Simon URL to article:   America is broken and it’s no consolation that the rest of the world is broken along with it. I had to laugh when I stumbled, while web surfing, on a 2007 United Nations ranking for Ireland [1] — whose debt rating has […]

ISRAEL’S ANTI-BOYCOTT LEGISLATION LETS ISRAEL DEFEND ITSELF: ELIHU STONE Boycott Law lets Israel defend itself By ELIHU STONE Facing ongoing attacks from the global BDS movement, Israel cannot be expected to support those who work toward its economic destruction. The anti-boycott legislation recently enacted by the Knesset has invoked a firestorm of criticism from many, fulminating against such legislation as inherently “undemocratic.” Allow […]

Swiss Minaret Ban Survives Legal Challenge by Soeren Kern

Swiss Minaret Ban Survives Legal Challenge by Soeren Kern The European Court of Human Rights has rejected two cases brought by Muslims against Switzerland’s constitutional ban on building minarets, the tower-like structures on mosques from which Muslims are often called to prayer. A seven-judge panel at the Strasbourg-based court said on July 8 that […]