ANDREW BOSTOM: A DEATH SENTENCE IN IRAN FOR APOSTASY Reading A Death Sentence For Apostasy in Iran Two Iranian Supreme Court justices have denied [2] an appeal of Youcef Nadarkhani’s December 5, 2010 death sentence for the uniquely Islamic “crime” of apostasy. Islam stands alone [3] amongst all modern faiths, adamantly denying its votaries freedom of conscience, as guaranteed, for example, by Article […]

Minnesota man pleads guilty to aiding Somali militants Minnesota man pleads guilty to aiding Somali militants MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) – A Minneapolis man pleaded guilty on Monday to providing material support to a militant group that recruited young men of Somali descent to fight in Somalia, at least two of whom blew themselves up in attacks. Omer Abdi Mohamed, 26, faces up to […]

Does the new anti-boycott law harm free speech? By EUGENE KONTOROVICH Today’s champions of free speech are yesterday’s censors. Eugene Kontorovich is a professor of law at Northwestern University, where he teaches constitutional law, and has lectured at Israeli universities. Israel’s parliament passed a law this week prohibiting economic boycotts against this nation. Since before the creation of the Jewish state, boycotts have been a […]

David Singer :”Out Of Tune And Out Of Time”: The Quartet, Negotiations, and the Palestinian Authority That frequent commentator on Middle East politics, David Singer, a Sydney lawyer and founder member of the International Analysts Network, has written another of his perspicacious articles.  Coming as usual via the antipodean J-Wire service, it’s entitled “Palestine: Quartet Misses The Beat”. Writes David Singer: ‘The utter  futility inherent in pursuing the two-state solution […]


Venice: City of Dreams by Herbert I. London Venice is more than a city; it is the embodiment of the human spirit. Each day nature sends rising tides to test the resilience of this remarkable place. Barriers have been placed at sea to guard the land, but nature is relentlessly testing Venetian mettle. It […]

HUMBERTO FONTOVA: DESPERATELY FLEEING FREE HEALTHCARE This week an Iberia Airliner left Havana, landed in Madrid and found an obviously desperate Cuban stowaway. The 23 year old Cuban man named Adonis G.B. was curled in the landing gear, crushed to death. He joins an estimate of 50-70,000 Cubans dying (literally) to leave Fidel Castro and Che Guevara’s handiwork. Almost two […]

CAL THOMAS:FIXING THE PRESENT, ENSURING THE FUTURE,_ensuring_the_future/print PLYMOUTH NOTCH, Vt. — If your disgust over America’s crushing debt and the irresponsible leaders who refuse to reduce unnecessary spending has reached the fed-up point, there is an easy solution beyond whatever compromise might be reached in the current standoff between President Obama and congressional Republicans. Vote Republican in 2012.But don’t vote for […]

Ibn Warraq: The Judeo-Christian Origins of Islam (Part 6) The Judeo-Christian Origins of Islam by Ibn Warraq Part 1 here; part 2 here; part 3 here; part 4 here; part 5 here. Tisdall takes up the story, “In the book to which we have just referred, the event is connected with the Flight into Egypt. The tale records how the Holy Family started […]

WES PRUDEN: THE GAME OF BLIND MAN’S BLUFF ISN’T WORKING The game of blind-man’s bluff isn’t working. More and more Americans are catching on to the game. President Obama’s threat to withhold Granny’s Social Security check did not send millions of Grannies into the streets, her walker banging noisily against a wheelchair, leaving the wounded lying bloodied amidst splintered walking canes. The president, who […]

JOHN BERNARD: THE SPECTER OF SUCCESS IN COIN….BUT FOR WHOM? Juxtaposition is a literary expression of the side-by-side positioning of incongruent terms or ideas. Politics and culture seem to do this as a matter of the normal transaction of day to day business; suggesting that certain ideas or arguments make a point that is polar opposite. Most of the thinking population would describe these […]