On Foreign Policy, Obama ‘So Slow and Hesitant’ Back in April, Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) told NRO that the late Jesse Helms is his model: Sen. Marco Rubio sailed into office on the tea-party wave, wagging his finger at the Obama administration’s fiscal mischief. But in the Senate, foreign policy has become his […] The Daily Mail today reports: Libya’s interim leader has said Sharia law will be used as the basis for new legislation as the country removes all traces of the Gaddafi regime. Mustafa Abdel Jalil, making his first public speech in Tripoli in front of 10,000 people, warned against reprisals by rebel forces against elements […] American Voters Still Concerned About Terrorism Ten years after Muslim jihadists crashed passenger-filled planes into buildings symbolizing the United States leadership in finance and military power, Americans seem to finally understand the threat posed by jihad advocates. In addition to the worsening economy, many worry about the country’s national security, according to a telling […]
Kalb, or dog, is one of the worst possible insults in the Muslim world. Call a man Kalb or Kalb ibn Kalb, if you want the knives to come out. In Afghanistan, those who fled the Taliban and returned to help the Coalition rebuild the country are called “Sag shouey” or “Dog washers” since Americans are infidel dogs and the Afghans who cooperate with Americans are menial servants of the dogs.
Mohammed, in addition to his affinity for pre-teen girls also had a compulsive hatred of dogs. Some Hadiths quote him ordering the killing of all dogs, others show him to be moderate ordering that only “‘black dogs” be killed. Which gives a special edge to the not uncommon description in the Muslim world of Obama as a “black dog”.
OpEd, which was published by “Israel Hayom” President Obama joins the campaign against the Palestinian UN initiative in spite of his belief that the UN is the quarterback of international relations, in defiance of his closest advisors – UN Ambassador Susan Rice, Director of Multilateral Affairs Samantha Power and Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett – […]
Why Obama Is Losing the Jewish Vote He doesn’t have a ‘messaging’ problem. He has a record of bad policies and anti-Israel rhetoric. New York’s special congressional election on Tuesday was the first electoral outcome directly affected by President Obama’s Israel policy. Democrats were forced to expend enormous resources to try to defend this […] September 13, 2011 Interview: Chet Nagle, Author of “The Woolsorters’ Plague” Ruth King Chet Nagle, author of this brilliant, informative and alarming thriller is a Naval Academy graduate, a Cold War carrier pilot who flew in the Cuban Missile Crisis and who later joined International Security Affairs as a Pentagon civilian – leading […]
Child Abuse as Public Policy in the Palestinian Authority Posted By David Meir-Levi From Aristotle to Gandhi to Jimmy Carter, world leaders have asserted that one must judge a nation by the way it treats its most vulnerable. How then should one judge a society whose leaders condemn the most vulnerable, its own children, […]
A Century of Palestinian Rejectionism and Jew Hatred Posted By Jamie Glazov URL to article: Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Sol Stern, a contributing editor of City Journal, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and the author of the new book, A Century of Palestinian Rejectionism and Jew Hatred. FP: Sol Stern, […] Uncle Sucker Blesses Taliban’s “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” HQ in Qatar Coming soon to Doha, Qatar: the political offices of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Taliban HQ. — On September 10, the Islamic jihadists of Afghanistan, commonly known as the Taliban, massively struck at a US military outpost with a truck bomb that […]