FROM HARVARD TO ENTEBBE: YONATAN NETANYAHU BY CHARLES SHEPARD This week marks the 35th anniversary of the operation to rescue hijacked Air France passengers in which the heroic commander was killed. Yoni Netanyahu was only a flash in Harvard’s pan, an undergraduate for a year and a summer, a hard working student living off campus, remembered by only a handful of people in […]

ROB MILLER: PALARAB COMPROMISE: WHAT’S MINE IS MINE WHAT’S YOURS IS NEGOTIABLE “But if you could examine the goods they bring They have little to offer but the songs they sing And the plentiful waste of time of day A plentiful waste of time…” The ‘Palestinians’ are continuing to use the threat of trying to get the UN Security Council to unilaterally declare ‘Palestinian’ statehood in […]

BIBLICAL CITY OF GATH UNEARTHED BY ISRAELI ARCHAEOLOGISTS TEL EL-SAFI, Israel (AP) — At the remains of an ancient metropolis in southern Israel, archaeologists are piecing together the history of a people remembered chiefly as the bad guys of the Hebrew Bible. The city of Gath, where the annual digging season began this week, is helping scholars paint a more nuanced portrait […]

GAZA FLOTILLA FLOPS:EMANUELE OTTOLENGHI What a difference a year makes. The 2010 edition of the Gaza Flotilla ended in failure for Israel and victory for the international coalition of pro-Palestinian organisations. First, there were casualties — nine Flotilla activists dead, dozens wounded, plus seven Israeli commandos injured. Secondly, there was massive diplomatic fallout – Israel’s relations with Turkey […]


Obama’s Animus Toward Israel and Jews By Eileen F. Toplansky Page Printed from: Lists have a way of coalescing important ideas into a clear and easy-to-remember format.  What then is the track record of Barack Hussein Obama with regard to Israel and Jews? Listing the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel, as a […]


A Commander in Chief in Need of Serious Self-Reflection By Lauri B. Regan Page Printed from: President Obama told American Jewish leaders that Israel must “engage in serious self-reflection.” Look who’s talking! I spent a portion of my Fourth of July holiday in a local shopping mall.  It was not my first choice for […]

PAUL RYAN’S BIG ECONOMY VS. OBAMA’S BIG GOVERNMENT:ERNEST S. CHRISTIAN Paul Ryan’s Big Economy Vs. President’s Big Gov’tBy ERNEST S. CHRISTIAN “It may also be that Ryan will not be the Republican candidate, but will instead be recorded by history as the man who wrote the script for saving America and selflessly stood aside, enabling someone else to carry it forward to victory. One […]

CAROLINE GLICK: SYRIA’S RIVAL HEGEMONS | Last Saturday Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah gave Hizbullah-backed Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati the political equivalent of a public thrashing. Last Thursday Mikati gave a speech in which he tried to project an image of a leader of a government that has not abandoned the Western world completely. Mikati gave the impression […]

DAPHNE ANSON: ELENA BONNER ON SHALIT AND WORLD SILENCE The late Russian Nobel Laureate Andrei Sakharov’s Jewish widow, Elena Bonner, who died recently, remarked in a speech in Oslo a couple of years ago: “[A]nother question that has been a thorn for me for a long time. It’s a question for my human rights colleagues. Why doesn’t the fate of the Israeli soldier […]

SOME HEADLINES MAKE ONE SMILE: CASTRO SNUBS HIS “OLD PAL” GEORGE McGOVERN….HUMBERTO FONTOVA This week a heartbroken George McGovernleft Havana without a visit with Fidel Castro, who was busy tending to his cancer-stricken Venezuelan Sugar-Daddy. “Castro is very shy and sensitive,” gushed McGovern after his first Cuban visit in 1975. “I frankly liked him…. It might seem hard to believe, but I spent a total of 14 […]