Mourner’s Kaddish Magnified and sanctified may His great name be, in the world He created by His will. May He establish His kingdom in your lifetime and in your days, and in the lifetime of all the house of Israel, swiftly and soon, and say Amen. May His great name be blessed for ever […]
How Harvard Remembered 9/11 Posted By Hillel Stavis URL to article: While most of the nation was commemorating the fallen of 9/11 with sadness and resolve to understand the ongoing threat of Islamic extremism, arguably the nation’s foremost institution of higher learning approached the tenth anniversary from a very different perspective. At Harvard, […]
9/11 and the Pastness of the Past URL to article: A couple of months ago, when Howard Stern took a couple of weeks off from his morning radio show, Sirius radio replayed “The History of Howard Stern, Part Four,” the final installment of which consists mostly of generous excerpts from the Stern show for […]
Thoughts on the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 Posted By David Solway
URL to article:
As should be evident to anyone who is not in denial and is willing to credit the evidence mounting by the day, the West is now under siege. Paradoxically, it appears to be increasingly at the mercy not only of radical Islam, but of its own anomie and its blatant philistinism. Indeed the former preys relentlessly upon the latter as it does upon the ineluctable corollary of cultural weakness, the presumably tolerant and progressive ethos of so-called “liberal” thinking. “Something stirs in the East, a sleepless malice” says one of the characters in The Lord of the Rings [1]. What stirs in the West, however, is a growing tendency to fall asleep, a kind of spiritual encephalitis generating an epidemic of lethargy before reality and accompanied by various spastic maneuvers intended to disguise the truth.
Click here: Transnational Elites Uber Alles – Maggie’s Farm Transnational Elites Uber Alles My friend Mark Safranski, at his blog Zenpundit and contributions elsewhere (like Small Wars Journal), provides some of the best digestions of complex matters of national security policies and debates that a layperson can find. Safranski has turned his attention to R2P, […]
Page Printed from: Where did the idea of Obama come from? Let’s examine an obvious, yet overlooked source: the rubble of the Twin Towers. 9/11 was the most traumatic day in American history, and its horrors left deep gashes in our national soul. We stumbled around in pain and confusion for years, groping for […]
“F*cking Jew” Abuse At Max Brenner Protest In Newtown, New South Wales
Below is footage of the mob of Israel-demonising leftwing ratbags who marched on Max Brenner in Newtown yesterday. Update: and I’ve added a counter-demo too (hat tip Shirlee)
In its report of a demo against the same shop last month, the Australian Jewish News quoted one Jewish community member as saying:
“They blocked the footpath. I felt I was under personal attack.”
She described their behaviour as “aggressive and impassioned”, and some of their words as “absolutely horrifying”.
Since 9/11 we have done quite a good job in scaling down the risk in the ‘West’. Soft policies of inclusiveness/diversity have a role. They show a willingness to talk, within civilised limits. So does killing our enemies. That shows a refusal to be defeated.
I returned to the Embassy in Belgrade to be told to watch on TV what was happening in New York.I did. The Twin Towers crashed.
My thought then is still valid:
This level of Islamist madness is quite different. It can’t be defeated by normal means. Only moderate Muslims can do it, if they have the courage. And what will they demand from us as the price for sorting out their own lunatics..? My 9/11 Story I was in the Trade Center that morning and lived in the neighborhood of Ground Zero. That day as most of you remember was a magnificent fall day, New York that morning could not be more beautiful. I started the day walking Justice, my cock-a-poo, and spending a couple of minutes […] 1. We’ll Never Get Over It, Nor Should We: Ten years later, remembering a day of horror and heroism. [Peggy Noonan] 2. ** 9-11 VIDEO: President Bill Clinton’s Masterful Speech at Flight 93 Tribute 3. ** 9-11 VIDEO: Father of Flight 93 Hero Todd Beamer on Son Storming Cockpit, Shouting ‘Let’s Roll’ 4. ** […]