Another Tack: The real danger It’s a decade since 9/11, an anniversary that must provoke uneasy thoughts everywhere – including, for instance, on US President Barack Obama’s perspectives. But does it? Kadima headliner Tzipi Livni recently granted an interview to The Atlantic magazine in which she waxed ecstatic about Obama’s pressure on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu […]
Nine Fronts in the Next War Posted By David Meir-Levi URL to article: The current unrest pursuant to the “Arab Spring” is a mixed blessing for Iran. On one hand, if young Bashir were to fall, Iran will lose its most important ally in the western part of the Arab world. A break […]
BEHIND THE DESERT STORM: A SECRET ARCHIVE STOLEN FROM THE KREMLIN THAT SHEDS NEW LIGHT ON THE ARAB REVOLUTION IN THE MIDDLE EASTBy Pavel Stroilov One cannot read this book without recalling that aphorism of Otto von Bismarck: “There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America.” Almost […] Israeli Exceptionalism John C. Wohlstetter, Much was made of President Obama’s dismissal of the idea of American exceptionalism, when he noted that the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism, etc. No doubt Achilles believed in the latter, as Hector believed in Trojan exceptionalism. But in many ways there truly is no more exceptional a […]
The Democrats’ Voting Agenda Revealed URL to article: In the wake of America’s transfer of political power from the earners to the redistribution beneficiaries, many conservatives have wondered whether the power to vote should be connected with paying taxes, owning property, not being convicted criminals, or at the very least, not receiving benefits. Liberals, […] Eric Holder’s Justice Department has launched an attack on prayer, at least where it occurs outside abortion clinics. A civil complaint filed this summer against a prayerful abortion protester reveals a wider campaign by Holder’s radicalized Civil Rights Division. The lawsuit was filed against 79-year-old Dick Retta. According to the Washington Examiner, Retta stands […] It was around the time of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, that memorials stopped being remembrances of virtue, and became therapy sessions. The old statues of determined men gave way to empty spaces to represent loss. Their lessons of courage and sacrifice, were replaced by architecture as therapy session, clean geometrical shapes, reflective pools and […]
Islamic Sharia Law Proliferates in Germany by Soeren Kern The 236-page book titled “Judges Without Law: Islamic Parallel Justice Endangers Our Constitutional State,” which was authored by Joachim Wagner, a German legal expert and former investigative journalist for ARD German public television, says Islamic Sharia courts are now operating in all of Germany’s big […]
Lessons That Last a Lifetime Posted By Ferne Hassan URL to article: What do you say to a special friend who has to carry around a “security blanket” for just such times as happened this past Monday morning when, on her way to work at Ben Gurion University in Beersheva, the sirens went off […]
JANIE RECENTLY REVEALED TO HUFFPO THAT SHE USED TESTOSTERONE TO REV UP HER LIBIDO URL to article: A new biography of Jane Fonda by Patricia Bosworth reveals a lifelong lament by the famous actress: “My biggest regret” Fonda is quoted as saying during a “feminist consciousness-raising session,” according to the book’s account, “is I […]