IT IS PURE TORTURE TO READ THIS POSTURING, SELF RIGHTEOUS IDIOT OF THE CLOTH…..RSK (Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster, of Teaneck, N.J., is director of North American programs for Rabbis for Human Rights-North America. She is a member of the board of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture.) TEANECK, N.J. (JTA) — What is the legacy […] His name is Abdelhakim Belhaj. Some in the Middle East might have, but few in the West and across the world would have heard of him. Time to catch up. Because the story of how an al-Qaeda asset turned out to be the top Libyan military commander in still war-torn Tripoli is bound to […]
PA TV host sends “best wishes” to “our glorious” prisoner who transported suicide bomber to attack that killed 15, including 7 children by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik Palestinian Authority TV has chosen to honor two more terrorists serving multiple life sentences for murder in its continuous glorification of Palestinian prisoners in Israel. […] “The European Union is based on the Nazi plans published in Berlin in 1942.” In 2008, director of the Freenations site Rodney Atkinson — former British Ministerial Adviser, author, and lecturer at University of Mainz in Germany — sent out the following press release: 26th June 2008 – “THE NAZIS AND FASCISTS WHO FOUNDED […] British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain held secret talks with Hitler’s henchmen to work out ways of making the Nazis look more sympathetic to ordinary Britons, classified documents released last week reveal. The cloak-and-dagger meetings in London came shortly after Chamberlain signed his disastrous appeasement deal with Hitler in Munich in September 1938, declaring ‘peace […] How Sharia Undermines Western Justice Wife-battering imam of the Darul Quran Mosque in Munich, Sheikh Abu Adam, is the face of Germany’s Islamic “Justice [2].” Adam gave a lecture at the city’s Catholic University entitled “An Islam which distances itself from violence,” shortly before being arrested (12/10) for allegedly assaulting his spouse so violently […]
Israel PM pledges action after mass protests By Sara Hussein | AFP – 16 mins ago Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged “real” economic change on Sunday after massive nationwide protests that broke Israeli records and prompted questions about the future of the social movement. Speaking to his cabinet after an estimated 450,000 people turned out […] Even Big Labor is complaining about Big Government. As 9.1 percent unemployment plagues America this Labor Day, major unions are clashing with a Democratic administration with which they normally would march in lock-step. Echoing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, at least eight unions are begging Team Obama to abandon regulations, statements, and procedures that […] Well, it’s finally arrived. Summer vacations are over. The kids are back in school. Autumn is approaching. Labor Day barbeques are in full swing. September also witnessed the ‘jovial’ signing of Oslo, exactly eighteen years ago. And this year, we may be privileged to witness another international farce, this time, not on the White […]
The memos almost treat Sept. 11 as if it weren’t Sept. 11. It is certainly not about Islamist extremism or the jihadist proclamations by its aspirants. It isn’t even really about us. We are told: “We honor all victims of terrorism, in every nation of the world. We honor and celebrate the resilience of individuals, families and communities on every continent, whether in New York or Nairobi, Bali or Belfast, Mumbai or Manila, or Lahore or London.” (Is it just an accident of alliteration that crucial cities torn by terror have been omitted, because that would have required acknowledging that Jerusalem or Tel Aviv faces something similar?)
Indeed, so anxious is the White House to filter out any historical aspects of Sept. 11 that it proclaims this anniversary “the third official National Day of Service and Remembrance.” It should be used to encourage “service projects” and a “spirit of unity.” Through such demonstrations, the memos affirm, our communities can withstand “whatever dangers may come — be they terrorist attacks or natural disasters.”