“Every one of the Republicans candidates believes American government has grown too big, too ponderous and inhibiting. They see it as an impediment to growth. They want to cut it back. Every one of them believes regulations are too burdensome. They think our debt and deficits must be reduced. God is in the details, […]
Yes, It Is a Ponzi Scheme In fact, Social Security is a bit worse than that. Texas governor Rick Perry is being criticized for calling Social Security a “Ponzi scheme.” Even Mitt Romney is reportedly preparing to attack him for holding such a radical view. But if anything, Perry was being too kind. The original […]
The ground zero mosque, called Park 51, has applied for a $5 million grant of federal funds from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation. The Corporation, set up to rebuild lower Manhattan after 9-11 is actively considering the grant request. Imagine! A federal entity set up to rebuild lower Manhattan giving tax money to a mosque designed to celebrate the attacks that killed 3,000 Americans!
The ground zero mosque will offer courses in Shariah Law and will doubtless spawn hundreds of new terrorists eager to pick up where the 9-11 hijackers left off.
Officially, the federal funds would not go to religious activities, but to “fund social service programs for all the residents of Lower Manhattan such as domestic violence prevention, Arabic and other foreign language classes, programs and services for homeless veterans, two multi-cultural art exhibits and immigration services,” according to its grant application.
he sponsors of the mosque have no business rubbing the noses of the victims’ families in the dirt by building the mosque right next to the site of 9-11. But there is especially no justification for using our tax money to make it possible.
Please CLICK HERE to sign an online petition to the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation to urge them to refuse the grant request! Keep some sense of proportion and decency!
Detention-less From the new anthology Confronting Terror: 9/11 and the Future of American National Security. Notwithstanding the dozens of Islamist plots uncovered in the United States since 9/11, the criminal-law paradigm is again limiting the U.S. response. Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind of the USS Cole bombing, was supposed to be tried before […] Everyone knows the caricature of a New York Jew: intellectual, neurotic, reflexively liberal. In recent years, the reach of the caricature has expanded: It now covers not just New York Jews but urban Jews on America’s “left coast.” But Fred Rosenbaum’s Cosmopolitans: A Social and Cultural History of the Jews of the San Francisco […] YES BUT….NO MENTION OF THE INFLUX OF MUSLIMS IN EUROPE WHO FOMENT THIS? RSK In mid-August, as London’s neighbourhoods underwent violence, looting and fire, France’s Jews looked on with a familiar disquiet. Jews were in no sense the target of this summer’s rioting, but a decade ago, something similar went wrong on the […] Nigeria: Suspect in UN bombing had been detained with explosives in 2007, but released in hope of “placating Muslim groups” The chase after “hearts and minds” costs lives. “APNewsBreak: Nigeria government freed bomb suspect,” by Bashir Adigun and Jon Gambrell for the Associated Press, September 1: ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Nigeria detained and released […] Lieberman: Obama’s concern with offending Muslims is hurting the war effort The Obama administration’s fear of offending Muslims will hurt the U.S. war against terrorism, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Thursday in a speech blasting the president’s new counterterrorism strategy. Lieberman said that Obama’s strategy, which was released in June, “was ultimately a big […] Since taking office, Obama has taken concerted steps to place cooperation the UN at the top of his foreign policy agenda. Through word and deed, Obama has shown that he believes that the US should minimize the extent to which it operates independently from the UN on the global stage. This week, Congresswoman Ileana […] Rasmussen: Perry 44, Obama 41 Rasmussen is out with some startling new numbers today. For the first time this year, Texas Governor Rick Perry leads President Obama in a national Election 2012 survey. Other Republican candidates trail the president by single digits. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows Perry picking up 44% […]