In New York, where Mayor Michael Bloomberg got only Bronx cheers with his demand that 375,000 New Yorkers in low-lying areas leave town, Gotham businessmen counted the cost of the four-day shutdown and came up with a tab in the billions. The mayor had even shut down the subways, so at least he could […]–_an_apartheid_state/print Next month, the UN-sponsored hate-Israel festival known as Durban III takes place. Under the heading “anti-racism,” the great bulk of the conference, like Durban I and Durban II, consists of condemning Israel for racism and equating it to an apartheid state.Of the world’s many great lies, this is among the greatest. How do we […] In my high school days before sex and environmental education and the general dumbing down of the population, memorization of some Shakespeare was expected in Miss Kauffman’s 12th-grade English class. A favorite I still recall is this line spoken by Brutus in “Julius Caesar”: “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, […] Rick Perry has gotten the Sarah Palin treatment since he declared his intention to run for the presidency. No surprise there. The long knives always come out for anyone who excites conservatives and could be the next President. That’s not to say that Perry doesn’t have flaws. He does. Like any politician who’s actually […] Many in the media are saying how unusual it is for our economy to be so sluggish for so long, after we have officially emerged from a recession. In a sense, they are right. But, in another sense, they are profoundly wrong. The American economy usually rebounds a lot faster than it is doing […] WHEN HE WAS SEC. OF DEFENSE DURING THE FIRST GULF WAR SADDAM WAS LEFT INTACT AND THE WAR WAS ENDED PREMATURELY, AND ISRAEL WAS DENIED THE RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF FROM SCUD MISSILES. AFTER 9/11 THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION TOADIED TO THE SAUDIS ALMOST DAYS AFTER. HE BLAMES POWELL, BUT IT WAS THE PRESIDENT WHO […],css.print/pub_detail.asp Human rights activist Ann Lau, a long-time critic of plans to have a Martin Luther King, Jr. monument for the U.S. built in Communist China by a communist sculptor, tells Accuracy in Media that “My view on the memorial has not changed since I wrote the article at National Review in September of 2007. […]
Beckaphobia Posted By Steven Plaut URL to article: Israeli radical leftists have long had an intense hatred toward American conservatives. This is in spite of the fact that American conservatives are almost all pro-Israel. In actuality, the hatred of Israeli leftists toward conservatives is precisely because conservatives are pro-Israel. Like in most other […]
Silencing Critics of Islamic Extremism Posted By Daniel Greenfield In a staggering expose, the Center for American Progress has released a 130-page report revealing that organizations which investigate Islamic radicalism are funded by money, not sunshine. One of the report’s authors, Faiz Shakir, was immediately invited to come on Keith Olbermann’s show to […]
Page Printed from: The Muslim Brotherhood has just issued an ultimatum to the Israeli ambassador in Egypt, telling him to “leave Egypt or die.” Brotherhood activists have rallied together, emboldened by their rise to prevalence in the political vacuum created by Mubarak’s resignation, to show the world that “[r]evolution is stronger than the Zionist […]