The Desperation-of-Deprivation Myth The West has incentivized non-productivity on an industrial scale. Unlike many of my comrades in the punditry game, I don’t do a lot of TV. But I’m currently promoting my latest doom-mongering bestseller, so I’m spending more time than usual on the telly circuit. This week I was on the BBC’s […]
Friday Afternoon Roundup – The Rise of the Oceans Began to Slow “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal,” the Chosen Zero said in his speech of speeches. Now as we prepare for Hurricane Irene (known to Congresswoman Shirley Jackson Lee as […]
Page Printed from: The only force of nature that is faster than the speed of light is the speed at which calumny will collide with a contender for national office. Therefore, it was to be expected that after Texas Governor Rick Perry threw his wide-brimmed Stetson into the political ring, he would immediately become […] I was sifting away in a second hand book shop yesterday when I came across a tatty old journal on Thatcher’s foreign policy toward Latin America. Right up my street. Or so I thought. Having pulled the book from the shelf and seen the cover — a grotesque illustration of Thatcher and Reagan as […] The Guardian’s Jerusalem correspondent’s whitewashing of the significance of the Temple Mount to Jews echoes some of the worst propaganda by Palestinians seeking to discredit the notion that Jews have any historical ties to the area. Jerusalem, as any bog-standard tourist guide will tell you, is revered as holy by adherents of three major […]
Brave New World arrives ahead of schedule — sex indoctrination for toddlers URL to article: Aldous Huxley’s classic dystopian novel Brave New World envisions a deeply disturbing one-world totalitarian state in which hypersexuality and loveless promiscuity are considered normal — even for children. Twenty-six years after its 1932 publication, Huxley wrote Brave New World […] THANK GOODNESS FOR JIHADWATCH….REMEMBER WHEN UTTERLY CLUELESS PRESIDENT BUSH USED TO BABBLE ABOUT THE TEENY, TINY, MEANIE FRINGE THAT CAUSED CARNAGE AND MURDER? WELL THESE FRINGELETS, BOKO HARAM IN NIGERIA, AL-SHABAAB IN SOMALIA AND THEIR KINSMEN IN KILLING INFIDELS ARE ROMPING ALL OVER AFRICA….RSK It was predictable enough. Needless to say, this attack […] After Anders Breivik, a seemingly “normal” individual, methodically gunned down dozens of politically active young people at a summer camp in Norway the Wall Street Journal turned to the most likely person to be able to elucidate the mystery. The Journal interviewed Theodore Dalrymple, prison doctor, psychiatrist, essayist, author of over a […],css.print/pub_detail.asp Much easier to deal with a stupid and authoritarian Right than with a freedom-loving Right. So says the headline in The Guardian, but I’ve read the accompanying article three times, and I’m blowed if I can see where the headline comes from. The writer, Amanda Marcotte, says some disobliging things about the Tea Party […],css.print/pub_detail.asp The Justice Department has agreed to end its investigation into an international financial network with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and a Saudi prince in a settlement in excess of $30 million, sources tell the Investigative Project on Terrorism. But DOJ officials refuse to release a copy of the settlement or make any comment […]