House Amdt #318, Passes! Congress says it is “OK” to defend yourself…In Combat?! My family and I attended the annual “Run For The Fallen” event in Ogunquit Maine this past weekend. This is the fourth year for the event which honors those who fell combating the more evil elements of Islam in Iraq and […] Political correctness has precluded the pursuit of strategic imperatives; Israel can no longer credibly deter terrorists. We cannot go on as we are… to remain at peace when you should be going to war may be often very dangerous. The tyrant city… is a standing menace to all…. Let us attack and subdue her, […]
Another Tack: The scorpions sting – again Conventional wisdom contends that neither Gaza nor Cairo harbors much interest in fanning terrorist flames and disrupting the uneasy truce that has precariously prevailed since Operation Cast Lead. Egypt, an unsteady step away from uncontainable internal chaos, prodigiously presents Cairo’s caretaker military junta with other preoccupations. Simultaneously Hamas surely […] Kinky Friedman once ran against Rick Perry for the Texas governorship. So would the singer and writer vote for him for president? Hell, yes! The world’s most famous Jewish cowboy on why he wants to live in Rick Perry’s America. Rick Perry has never lost an election; I’ve never won one. Maybe that’s what’s […] Steve Jobs, who stepped down as CEO of Apple Wednesday after having been on medical leave, reflected on his life, career and mortality in a well-known commencement address at Stanford University in 2005. Here, read the text of of that address: I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one […]
Page Printed from: Yesterday I joined a large crowd at Safra Square, Jerusalem’s civic center, for the public viewing of Glen Beck’s live broadcast in the nearby Old City of Jerusalem. Although I know very little about either the personal or professional background of Glenn Beck, his recent involvement with Israel has brought him […] FIRST TIME EVER…HALAL NOW AND BITTER HERBS LATER…THE FOOL!!! (CNN) – The Israeli ambassador to the United States is hosting a dinner celebrating the Muslim holy month of Ramadan on Thursday, marking the first time an ambassador from the Jewish state has hosted such a dinner in the United States, the embassy said. Israeli […] THIS IS PARTICULARLY PAINFUL SINCE THE CENTRAL AMERICAN REPUBLICS WERE SWIFT TO RECOGNIZE AND SUPPORT ISRAEL IN 1948….EL SALAVADOR GAVE OFFICIAL RECOGNITION IN SEPTEMBER 1948 AND EXCHANGED DIPLOMATS FORMALLY….RSK As the Palestinian Authority prepares its statehood bid to the UN, El Salvador announces it recognizes Palestine. El Salvador’s President Mauricio Funes was quoted by […] UN Official: ‘Maximum Restraint by Israel Required’ “The UN official did not call the attacks on Israel ‘terrorism’ and instead lumped them in with Israel’s retaliatory strikes as ‘violence,’ thereby insinuating there is moral equivalence between unprovoked terror attacks and Israel’s attempts to defend innocents.” Robert Serry, UN special coordinator for the Middle East […] Continuing turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa signals important and potentially catastrophic transformations. For Israel, the greatest danger stems from the interpenetrating and largely unpredictable effects of war, terrorism and revolution in the region. In essence, these plainly destabilizing effects could spawn an unprecedented and historically unique kind of chaos. […]