Perry leapfrogs rivals in polls Texan is new front-runner among GOP presidential hopefuls Unsatisfied Republicans who have flitted from Donald Trump to Herman Cain to Rep. Michele Bachmann this presidential-nomination season may have found their man in Rick Perry: The Texas governor, in the race less than two weeks, holds double-digit leads in two […]
A Retooled Libel Un enfant est mort [A Child Is Dead]: Netzarim, 30 septembre 2000, by Charles Enderlin, Don Quichotte editions, 2010, 200 pp. [French] Reviewed by Nidra Poller 30 September 2000, Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip. State-owned France 2 TV airs footage of the allegedly fatal shooting, in real time, of a Palestinian […] HALFON IS SUCH A NICE CHAP…SO RIGHT ABOUT ISRAEL SO CLUELESS ABOUT ISLAM AND THE “ARAB SPRING”….RSK First: the free world must stop appeasing dictators. It may work in the short term but never in the long. “Fourth: this relates to the first lesson about appeasement. For months now the Syrian regime has been murdering […]
Is Rick Perry a Dope? Posted By Roger L Simon URL to article: Despite being the longest serving governor of one of our most populous states, a state currently generating more jobs than the rest of the country combined (or close), Rick Perry is supposed to be a dummy. At least, that’s what some […]
Since 1948, almost 10 million Muslims have died at the hands of fellow Muslims Where is the outrage over that? Double standards abound. As the Israeli envoy Dan Gillerman said in 2008: “When Christians kill Muslims, it’s the Crusades. When Jews kill Muslims it’s murder, and when Muslims kill Muslims, it’s like talking about […] Israel hits back as rockets continue to fly from Gaza Ceasefires aren’t intended to last under Islamic law, but the Gaza jihadists seem to be trying for a new record for the briefest truce each time. More on this story. “IDF strikes targets in Gaza in response to rocket salvoes,” from the Jerusalem Post, […]
Morocco Blocking Integration of Muslim Immigrants in Spain The Moroccan government is aggressively implementing “a strategy of great magnitude” to exert control over the religious and cultural beliefs and practices of the nearly one million Moroccan immigrants who reside in Spain. The strategy involves establishing a parallel Muslim society in Spain by discouraging Moroccans […]
Israel, Egypt And Palestinian ‘Demilitarization’: Some Unseen Perils Of Treaty Law I am a professor of international law. In my columns, therefore, I focus from time to time on distinctly legal aspects of Israel’s foreign relations. Nonetheless, I am always deeply attentive to examining these particular aspects within a genuinely realistic geopolitical or geostrategic […] Over 13,200 killed by terrorists in 11,500 attacks: State Department On Thursday, the U.S. Department of State released its annual, U.S. Congress–mandated Country Reports on Terrorism 2010, an assessment of incidents and trends in international terrorism that occurred between January 1 and December 31, 2010. The statistics revealed that more than 11,500 terrorist attacks occurred in 72 nations during 2010, and there were more […],7340,L-4113501,00.html WHY THE SURPRISE? HATRED OF ISRAEL HAS BEEN BREWING IN EGYPT SINCE THE CAMP DAVID TREATY (HUDNA) WAS SIGNED. THE MEDIA, THE SERMONS, THE SCHOOLBOOKS WERE FULL OF THE MOST VICIOUS CARICATURES AND INCITEMENTS AGAINST JEWS… CHECK OUT …RSK Egyptians plan million-man rally against Israel Facebook groups call for mass protest outside Israeli […]