U.S. Jews warn Israel not to get too cozy with Glenn Beck Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President of the Union for Reform Judaism, says Beck is very extreme and controversial even among right-wing groups in the United States. http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/u-s-jews-warn-israel-not-to-get-too-cozy-with-glenn-beck-1.380323 By Shlomo Shamir Tags: Jewish Diaspora Jerusalem NEW YORK – The warm welcome extreme right-wing media personality […]
http://frontpagemag.com/2011/08/24/with-american-friends-like-this-who-needs-enemies/print/ When the former officers of the Holy Land Foundation who had served as Hamas’ fundraising arm went before the US Court of Appeals– there weren’t many organizations willing to file an Amicus brief. But the American Friends Service Committee was first among them. The American Friends Service Committee had good reason to be worried. […]
URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2011/08/24/what-will-libya-look-like/ FRANKLY I FOUND FOUAD AJAMI’S COLUMN TO BE STUPID…AND BEN SHAPIRO IS RIGHT ON TARGET…..RSK Reportage surrounding Libya suggests that everything will be sweetness and light once sadistic madman Col. Muammar Qaddafi is ousted permanently. “Who, today, does not thrill to the spectacle of freedom in Tripoli?” asks Fouad Ajami […]
http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/275396 Perry and Global WarmingDo the warmists questioning Governor Perry really believe in science and math? Last week Rick Perry questioned the prevailing orthodoxy on global warming. There was, as is easy to imagine, no shortage of warmists waiting to pounce. Remarkably, one of the first questions later put to Governor Perry was whether he […]
http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/275411 Et Tu, Yoo?Not all who opposed the Libya adventure are “isolationist.” I’m disheartened to find my friend John Yoo lending his voice to the bogus claim that opposition to U.S. intervention in Libya’s civil war makes one an “isolationist.” And Ramesh Ponnuru is right to point out that the constitutional questions arising out of […]
http://www.jidaily.com/B5wRe The West was doing better 10 years after Pearl Harbor, than it is a decade after 9/11. Many have suggested that 9/11 was like Pearl Harbor for America, at least psychologically. If so, it might be instructive to compare anniversaries. Where was the West 10 years after Pearl Harbor, compared to where it is […]
http://www.jewishideasdaily.com/content/module/2011/8/24/main-feature/1/who-speaks-for-israeli-arabs WHO? THE SO CALLED ISRAELI BRED ” NEW HISTORIANS” THAT HAVE ALTERED HISTORY TO PRESENT LIES AND BASH ISRAEL…..A POX ON THOSE TRAITORS…..RSK Historians writing about Israel’s 1948 fight for independence generally place heavy responsibility for the Palestinian Arab refugee problem on the Arab leaders who urged their people to flee Palestine temporarily until […]
Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2011/08/obama_baits_the_dependency_trap.html The Obama administration is busy expanding the exact type of vicious, ungrateful underclass which recently exploded in London. An administration program will expand free school meal coverage to millions of young people who are not even supposed to be eligible.A stated goal of the program is to eliminate the stigma of […]
http://www.jeffjacoby.com/10173/the-sage-of-omaha-speaks-but-his-actions-speak WARREN BUFFETT is the billionaire CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, a friend and political supporter of Barack Obama, and a well-known advocate of higher taxes on the rich. He is also a hypocrite, whose actions belie his words. For several years now, Buffett has been calling for significant tax hikes on extremely wealthy Americans like […]
Perry takes the lead in Iowa http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/08/perry_takes_the_lead_in_iowa.html Still plenty of time – and plenty of room – for changes, but Perry is sucking the oxygen out of Iowa at the moment and has taken the lead according to this PPP poll: The race is pretty close four ways in Iowa but Rick Perry is the […]