THEY ALL GAVE QADDAFI A PASS…..BUSH AND OBAMA..RSK Seif Gadhafi, his father’s heir apparent, proved that evil is never banal and often self-conscious. Several years ago I sat next to Seif al-Islam Gadhafi at a luncheon in Davos and listened in astonishment as he extolled the virtues of—the Israeli military. Why did the tiny […] America would ‘give to bigotry no sanction,’ George Washington wrote in 1790. The annual reading of George Washington’s letter to the Jews—which took place this weekend at the Touro Synagogue in Newport, R.I.—will echo with extra significance this year, as a campaign is now under way to make the original letter available for public […] I was a young working journalist during the era of the Civil Rights movement and one evening I was covering a speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the campus of Drew University in Madison, NJ. I was accompanied by Vivian Braxton, a civil rights activist who said, “Let’s go backstage and meet […] MARTIN LUTHER KING’S LEGACY IS PERVERTED BY THE RACE PIMPS THAT PRETEND TO BE HIS HEIRS. HE WAS A REPUBLICAN AND A PREACHER AND LED A GREAT MOVEMENT THAT HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY SHARPTON, JACKSON AND OTHER RACIST CHARLATANS….RSK With President Obama preparing to preside over the official unveiling of the Martin Luther King, […] 1. VIDEO: Heart-Wrenching Image: Dog Keeps Watch Over Fallen SEAL’s Casket During Funeral 2. VIDEO: Sen. Marco Rubio (R) spoke at the Reagan Library – Wows them in Reagan country – “I was born and raised in Reagan’s America” 3. VIDEO: Letterman jokes about jihadist website death threat 4. VIDEO: An hour after […] Noting that the 20th of next month is “the date that now looms like a dark cloud on the Middle East horizon after the decision by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to request formal recognition of the state of Palestine by the UN,” Melbourne businessman Albert Dadon, founder and chairman of the Australia-Israel […] The trend to make Israel apologise for being attacked When its borders are breached – either by activists on water or terrorists on land – Israel naturally defends itself. Yet instead of receiving an apology from those countries for allowing the breach in the first place, Israel is made to get on its knees […] The American public has lost faith in big government and in the messiah of big government. And a nation of people who feel out of control in the midst of a whirling economic crisis want to regain some control by taking it back from the bureaucrats, the lobbyists and the politicians. This is the […] COVERTLY? THEN WHY IS THIS BEING EXPOSED? ….IT ONLY ALERTS TERRORIST WANNABES….RSK With CIA help, NYPD moves covertly in Muslim areas NEW YORK (AP) — In New Brunswick, N.J., a building superintendent opened the door to apartment No. 1076 one balmy Tuesday and discovered an alarming scene: terrorist literature strewn about the table and […] On Friday, a young Muslim man in New Jersey named Kashif Pervaiz was charged with the murder of his wife, Nazish Noorani, who was shot dead Tuesday night while pushing her 3-year-old son in a stroller on a street in Boonton, N.J. Although the case apparently has nothing whatsoever to do with jihad terrorism, […]