Climate prostitutes, charlatans and comedians Put these guys on Comedy Central. Put ‘em in an asylum … a mandatory restitution program … jail perhaps … or a witness protection program, if they turn state’s evidence on other perpetrators. But keep them away from our money – and our energy, economic, healthcare and education policies. […] Columnist Jack Kelly writing Aug. 22 in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Former Vice President Al Gore went on a profanity-laced tirade at the Aspen Institute Aug. 4 against the rising number of Americans who are skeptical about man-made global warming. According to a Harris poll in July, only 44 percent of us now believe carbon […] A few weeks ago, the left-leaning Texas Independent interviewed Mustafaa Carroll of that state’s branch of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Rick Perry’s relationship with local Muslim communities there. Carroll complained about Perry reaching out to the relatively moderate Ismaili Shia at the expense of groups like his own (with substantial […] The Arab Spring has turned into the dogs of war days of summer. While the president went on vacation turmoil in the Middle East continued to simmer. Protests continue to engulf Syria. In response, the White House mostly turned up the rhetoric. A string of terror bombings ripped through Iraq. Violence also erupted in […],css.print/pub_detail.asp Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak was forced to resign and a new and temporary military regime installed. Mubarak was a dictator, which in the Arab and Muslim world is par for the course. Some believe the 83 year old has billions stashed away. That, too, is not uncommon. Arafat stole vast sums from the Arabs […]
Glenn Beck Ignites Hope in IsraelPosted By Fern Sidman URL to article: On Sunday, August 21st, former FOX News talk show host and conservative commentator Glenn Beck delivered an address laden with palpable emotion at the Roman amphitheater in Caesarea, Israel, as part of the first fixture leading up to his ”Restoring Courage” rally in Jerusalem on […]
A Lovely Little NATO Intervention Posted By Bruce Thornton URL to article: World powers sometimes have to fight wars not for some material interest, but for bolstering a nation’s prestige in order to deter more dangerous aggressors. As Margaret Thatcher said after England’s defeat of Argentina in the 1982 Falklands War, the conflict […] Five Reasons Ryan Bowed Out Ryan will not seek the presidency, but he will shape the debate. Sources close to Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin tell National Review Online that the Budget Committee chairman considered a variety of factors this summer as he mulled a late-entry presidential campaign. This afternoon, he closed the door […] In Herman Kahn’s book, The Coming Boom published in1982, he argued that despite the double-Digit inflation of the Carter years and the “stagflation” that plagued the period from roughly 1976 to 1981, an economic boom was just over the horizon. As it turned out Kahn was right as the ensuing Reagan years ushered in […] The Arab Spring didn’t accomplish a whole lot beyond swapping out a handful of dictators for their more obscure henchmen and Islamist allies, but it did kill the treaty model of regional normalization completely dead. European models of conflict settlement never mapped well onto a region where there is no enduring form of government. […]