When I was 13 I had the honor of meeting Golda Meir, an amazing woman who had an even more amazing life. When she passed away in 1978 I hitchhiked across half the State of Israel to go to her funeral in Jerusalem. My mother insisted I take an umbrella, despite no rain in […] Article 22 of the 1990 Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam states: Everyone shall have the right to express his opinion freely in such manner as would not be contrary to the principles of the Shari’a Everyone shall have the right to advocate what is right, and propagate what is good, and warn […] It’s understandable and even forgivable that a political candidate would talk about green jobs on the hustings, especially when the Democratic Party is divided between job hungry blue collar workers and fastidious greens who break out in hives in the presence of coal. What worries me isn’t that the President’s team advised him to […] The Forward Saw a ‘Pogrom’ in Crown Heights Paper Got Story Right While Others Prevaricated By Seth Lipsky ‘Jewish homes were being attacked, windows broken. Jewish residents were cowering in the safest rooms of their homes. Sympathetic gentiles in the area were sneaking word to some of their Jewish neighbors to keep their lights […] The United Nations & The Future Of Jerusalem The latest trenchant article by Sydney lawyer David Singer, a founder-member of the International Analysts’ Network, is entitled “Palestine – Jerusalem Challenges The United Nations,” and comes as usual via the antipodean J-Wire service. Writes David Singer: ‘Jerusalem’s continued existence as an undivided city will remain […] THERE IS A NEXUS HERE THAT IS IGNORED….ALL, REPEAT, ALL, MUSLIM STATES AS FAR AWAY AS MALAYSIA AND SOMALIA HATE ISRAEL AND THE ARABS ARE THEIR FRONT IN THE BATTLE AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SO…..RSK All the talk on the news channels over the weekend has been on the imminent demise of Colonel Muammar […]
ObamaCare and the Constitutional Road Not Taken Posted By Rick Richman URL to article: The Eleventh Circuit majority opinion [1] (nicely summarized [2] by Dan Miller) is noteworthy not only as the most thorough judicial discussion to date — 207 pages — but as an opinion written jointly by Chief Judge Joel F. Dubina […] Every Single One: The Politicized Hiring of Eric Holder’s Employment Section Posted By Hans A. von Spakovsky All 15 new hires to the Justice Department’s Education Section have far-left resumes — which were only released following a PJMedia lawsuit. (This is the sixth in a series of articles about the Justice Department’s hiring practices […]
European ‘No-Go’ Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating “Occupation Without Tanks or Soldiers” by Soeren Kern Islamic extremists are stepping up the creation of “no-go” areas in European cities that are off-limits to non-Muslims. Many of the “no-go” zones function as microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law. Host-country authorities effectively have lost control in these areas […]… One-hundred-and-fifty Irish ‘artists’ have announced they are boycotting Israel.By Kevin Myers THE SIXTH PRESIDENT OF ISRAEL, CHAIM (VIVIAN) HERZOG WAS BORN IN IRELAND. HE WAS AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS FROM 1976 TO 1978 WHEN HE FAMOUSLY TORE UP THE PERVERSE “ZIONISM IS RACISM” RESOLUTION 1975: Chaim Herzog, Israeli Ambassador to the UN, tearing […]