Dear Mr. Foxman, For centuries Vilna occupied a special place in the hearts and minds of Europe’s Jewish communities. People celebrated the city as a study center, replete with libraries, schools, poets, playwrights, rich Jewish culture — and especially, learned rabbis and Jewish legal intellects. From Rabbi Samuel of Babylonia to Rabbi Gershom of Germany, […]
1. VIDEO: NJ Governor Chris Christie : The Teacher’s Union is a “Political Thuggery Operation” [It rules through fear and intimidation] 2. SHOCKING VIDEO: Nation of Islam Leader Farrakhan Says Fort Hood Shooter Is Not a Terrorist Just a Good Muslim Who Was Driven Crazy By The Terrorist American Soldiers Who Rape Muslim Men, Woman […] For a man with such big ears, Barack Hussein Obama isn’t actually very good at listening. And a listening tour isn’t going to change that. Listening tours have become an obligatory stage of the early campaign, but their name is another degradation of meaning. Politicians don’t conduct listening tours in order to listen to […] As defined by Collins English Dictionary, a bigot is “a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, especially on religion, politics, or race.” In contemporary culture, those who claim to tolerate everything are intolerant of ideas that come from perspectives other than their own, especially when those ideas […],_look_to_perry_for_the_answers Washington — There is squabbling in the White House. President Barack Obama’s approval rating has dipped to unprecedented lows in the polls, and he has not a clue as to what to do about it. Within the president’s team there are the pragmatists led by David Plouffe (pronounced plu’ fey) and William M. Daley […] Editor’s note: This article is Part III in a series. Click here to read Part I. Click here to read Part II. The orgies of violent attacks against strangers on the streets — in both England and the United States — are not necessarily just passing episodes. They should be wake-up calls, warning of […]
MSNBC Gives a Violent Racist a TV Show Posted By Daniel Greenfield URL to article: Imagine if MSNBC gave a TV show to a violent racist who led angry mobs against Jewish and Asian communities and businesses. Mobs that gathered outside a Jewish synagogue chanting “Heil Hitler” and “Death to the Jews.” Unimaginable, right? […] Obama Tours Midwest in a Bus…Made in Canada I wonder what his UAW friends think of this? – President Obama is barnstorming the heartland to boost US jobs in a taxpayer-financed luxury bus the government had custom built — in Canada, The Post has learned. The $1.1 million vehicle, one of two that Quebec-based […]
Gunwalker: President Obama’s Un-Plausible Deniability Posted By Bob Owens URL to article: I first ran into the concept of plausible deniability [1] during my freshman year of college. A definition: The term most often refers to the denial of blame in (formal or informal) chains of command, where upper rungs quarantine the blame to […] British Yoofs Wiv Plenty of Nuffink Leafing through my favourite doorstop, the recently-published Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History, it’s not difficult to find many examples of youths from deprived parts of London, including the very areas in which recent rioting took place, who went on to achieve great things. Indeed, such individuals, typically from […]