Here Comes Another Flotilla at June 12, By Jerold S. Auerbach One year ago the Mavi Marmara, cast by its sponsors as the Palestinian Exodus, led a “Gaza Freedom Flotilla.” Its goal was not to condemn the ruling Hamas government in Gaza, sworn to Israel’s destruction, but to breech the Israeli blockade. Its “humanitarian […]

JASON LEE: OBAMA, GEORGE SOROS AND THE RELIGIOUS LEFT…**** Barack Obama, George Soros and the Religious Left By Jason Lee Periodically, the professional left and their comrades in the traditional news media highlight religious leaders cheering for President Obama’s compassionate statism or denouncing  Republicans as sons of the devil.  I’m sure we can expect this pattern to become more frequent and more frantic as […]

JAMES LEWIS: CIRCUMCISION PROTECTS AGAINST HIV IN AFRICA Circumcision protects against HIV in Africa James Lewis Now that Russell Crowe and the San Francisco City Council have come out against male circumcision, in their collective wisdom, it might be worth pointing out that medical scientists have long known that circumcision protects against HIV transmission in Africa. Also syphilis. A number of African […]

SING ALONG WITH “ONE WORLD”…”STAND UP AND SING OUT FOR PALESTINE” So many years of catastrophe, more than six million refugees, it could be you and your family, Forced from your home and your history We are the people, and this is our time, Stand up, sing out, for Palestine No matter your faith or community, this is a crime against humanity, Gaza turned […]

GAZA: LUSH, GREEN AND FROTHING AGAINST ISRAEL It’s Lush, It’s Green – And It’s Frothing Against Israel It’s lush and green – like this park in Gaza (all these photos are of Gaza, as will be obvious at a glance, since they depict the misery and squalor that characterise  that famous teeming  “open prison,” right?) But it’s not the park I […]

MULTICULTI TORONTO MOSQUE PROMOTES SHARIA COMPLIANCE…STONING AND CUTTING OF HANDS Multicultural Toronto Mosque Promotes Xtreme Sharia Compliance: Stoning, Cutting Off Hands, Sedition The Khalid Bin Al Walid Mosque is located on Bethridge Rd. in Etobicoke, near the neighborhood now known as “Little Somalia” and serves that community. I live in Etobicoke, so does Mayor Ford, in fact I grew up here. I attended […]

THE SHEIK OF ARABY EXPLAINS: WHEN I WANT A SEX SLAVE, I JUST GO TO THE MARKET AND CHOOSE A WOMAN…. Egyptian Shaykh Abu-Ishaq al-Huwayni’s controversial comments about jihad and slavery (see here) were published on YouTube, Facebook, and also in Egyptian press, he was given the opportunity to respond in a telephone interview aired on the Islamic satellite television station al-Hikma on 22 May 2011. In his approximately 20-minute response, he contended that his words […]

KIDDUSH CLUBS: DRINK L’CHAIM WITHOUT SCOTCH Kiddush clubs declare boycott on Scottish whiskey By SAMUEL SOKOL SPECIAL TO THE JERUSALEM POST Move by Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs comes after Kiddush-favorite Chivas named in global boycott of Israeli goods. The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) – a partnership of 250 Jewish men’s clubs that claims more than 25,000 members […]

DIANA WEST: JUST DESSERTS…”TRUST BUILDING EFFORT” WITH PAKISTAN News Flash: Since the killing of Osama bin Laden, the Obama administration has engaged in a trust-building effort with Pakistan…. I’m trying to be calm. What this means after the US zeroed in on OBL living in plain Pakistani sight, the US has addressed the yawning chasm of suspicion by reaching out to Pakistan […]

AN ANGRY AND EMBARRASSED OBAMA VENTS TO BILL DALEY…RE NETANYAHU White House Insider: Obama’s Rage Over Netanyahu Meeting: “What the F-ck was that?”An angry and embarrassed President Obama confronts White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley. Received this information late yesterday.  Thought you might wish to know. Shortly after the photo-op meeting and “working lunch” with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the one that […]