Anti-Semitism: The Same Old Lies Since 200 B.C. Posted By David Solway URL to article: When it comes to Israel and the Jews, the defamatory impulse never dies. The Iranians and their supporters claim there was no Holocaust. The Jews just made it up. Or if some magnanimously concede that the Holocaust did […]
Cannibals, Vampires and Terrorists– Oh My! Joe Biden has compared the Tea Party to terrorists. Maureen Dowd compared them to cannibals and vampires. Then having run out of mythical monsters, or monsters they believe are mythical, there was nothing to do but roll out a few more articles about the Republican Party being taken […]
Gore Unhinged! Loses it on skeptical claims: ‘It may be volcanoes.’ Bullshit! ‘It may be sun spots.’ Bullshit! ‘It’s not getting warmer.’ Bullshit!’ — Climate Depot Responds! Climate Depot’s Point-By-Point Rebuttal to Gore’s Highbrow Scientific Arguments By Marc Morano – Climate Depot Former Vice President Al Gore sounded a defeated tone and lamented the utter failure of the […] “At the very end of this story lies the money quote on the thunking bankruptcy, military and political, of the American strategy in Afghanistan. It is the bankruptcy of Petraeus-McChrystal-Bush-Obama-Petraeus “population-centric COIN,” as Brig. Gen. Lewis Craparotta of Task Force Leatherneck still calls it, and no, it hasn’t been phased out.” From this week’s […] Gates of Vienna carries a chilling update from the erudite and prolific Norwegian blogger Fjordman, some of whose vast body of work was cut and pasted into mass murderer Breivik’s so-called manifesto. In the wake of a frenzy in Norway to identify the anonymous Fjordman, which has closely resembled a witch hunt, the 36-year-writer […] Obama and the Narcissism of Big Differences ‘He becomes visibly agitated. . . . He does not like to be challenged on policy grounds,’ says the House majority leader of the president. IN SIMPLER LINGO….THE PRESIDENT BEHAVES LIKE A SPOILED BRAT…RSK Whatever the rhetoric that preceded this week’s deal, the debt-ceiling debate was never […]
Cuba upholds imprisoned American’s 15-year sentence HAVANA | Cuba’s highest court Friday upheld a 15-year prison sentence for a U.S. contractor charged with crimes against the state for distributing satellite telephone equipment to Jewish groups in Havana. The ruling leaves Alan Gross, 62, without another opportunity for appeal. He has spent 1 1/2 years […] What if Iran’s leaders do not consistently value Iran’s national survival more highly than any other preference? Nuclear deterrence is a game that even sane, rational governments may have to play, but there can be no assurance that enemies will always be rational. This presents a grave security problem, because the entire logic of […]
‘Energy independence’ is a pipe dream by Jeff Jacoby The Boston Globe LATE LAST MONTH, President Obama announced new automobile fuel-efficiency standards that will require cars to achieve an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. Vehicle fleets currently average 27 miles per gallon, so the new target would boost fuel efficiency by […]
The Jihad Against the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Christians By Janet Levy See also: The Persecution of Christians in the Middle East In Germany, where Holocaust denial is punishable by up to five years in prison, Stuttgart University recently capitulated to pressure from resident Turkish Muslims and canceled an event entitled, “Persecution, Expulsion and Annihilation of Christians […]