The Death of Military Strategy If a strategy does not address ends, ways, and means, it is not a strategy but a set of aspirations. Earlier this year, the Department of Defense released the 2011 National Military Strategy (NMS), which purports to explain how the military will support the National Defense Strategy, which in […] In the last few weeks of the Truman administration in 1953, the president attended a dinner at the British embassy in Washington in honor of Winston Churchill, who had recently been returned to the prime minister’s post. At one point in the dinner, Churchill posed a question to Truman: Would he have an answer […] The following article, by Joel Golovensky, President of the “Institute for Zionist Strategies,” reflects the expanding challenge to false assumptions, which have underlined critical national security policies. Enjoy it, Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger “Second Thought: A US-Israel Initiative,” Jerusalem, www.TheEttingerReport.Com Immutable ‘Conceptzia’ trumps facts True fertility rate numbers bust the idea of an Arab […] An admitted jihadist who killed an American soldier on U.S. soil will be tried next week in Arkansas on a state charge of capital murder – not terrorism. This is odd, considering that the Obama administration recently went out of its way to bring a Somali-born jihadist into U.S. federal court to face terrorism […] JOHANNESBURG — Human rights advocates are issuing new warnings of genocide in Sudan, where Arab armies are accused of killing black African civilians in what an Episcopal bishop described as a “war of domination and eradication.” “Once again, we are facing the nightmare of genocide of our people in a final attempt to erase […] The incandescent light bulb failed to earn a last-minute reprieve in the House on Tuesday, leaving the old-style bulb still facing a government-imposed death sentence when new regulations kick in at the end of this year. Under a law Congress enacted in 2007, energy efficiency standards that go into effect in 2012 will chase […]
Bollywood explores Israeli options Amid Bollywood’s growing popularity in Israel and the industry’s insatiable appetite for foreign locations and the search for new themes and markets, Indian filmmakers are visiting Israel to participate in the Jerusalem International Film Festival (JIFF) to explore joint ventures and scout for location sites. “I have visited all the […]
The Warsaw Ghetto with an Internet Cafe There are two visions for Israel now. One is the old vision, the one that the left and the right once agreed upon. A nation with agriculture and industry, its capital in Jerusalem, its army and a new generation of settlers standing watch on the frontier. Then […] It’s the scene every Friday at the cafeteria of Valley Park Middle School in Toronto. That’s not a private academy, it’s a public school funded by taxpayers. And yet, oddly enough, what’s going on is a prayer service – oh, relax, it’s not Anglican or anything improper like that; it’s Muslim Friday prayers, and […] An Austrian pro-Palestinian activist deported from Israel has complained of ill treatment at the hands of aggressive Israeli forces. Julia Hurnaus, 25, was one of about 40 so-called “flytilla” activists expelled on Tuesday from Israel, where they had flown for a protest action over the weekend. “People were injured, people were hit in the […]