ANDREW KLAVAN: ON WEINER….. I Blame Women I was so delighted to have my blog return to Pajamas Media that I really wanted to start off by writing about something important, an issue that really makes a difference in people’s lives, or an idea that perhaps you hadn’t thought of before, that might change the way you look […]

DOROTHY RABINOWITZ: THE REPUBLICAN WHO CAN WIN…. The Republican Who Can WinThe candidate would know Americans are more worried about their jobs and their savings than abstractions like ‘big government.’ By DOROTHY RABINOWITZ To win the presidency in 2012, the Republican candidate will require certain strengths. Among them, a credible passion for ideas other than cost-cutting and small government. He or […]

WILL RICK PERRY RUN? JOHN FUND By JOHN FUND It seems everyone is talking about Texas Gov. Rick Perry as a possible Republican presidential candidate. Even Sarah Palin, contemplating her own entry to the 2012 race, spontaneously brought up Mr. Perry’s name recently as someone to watch. Mr. Perry, who has long claimed he has no interest in running for […]

IS THE STATE DEPARTMENT “DEEPLY TROUBLED” ABOUT US MISSILES THAT KILLED 16 IN PAKISTAN? DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan – The United States fired missiles at three suspected militant targets near the Afghan border Monday, killing 16 people and keeping the pressure on insurgents days after a strike was believed to have killed an al-Qaida commander, Pakistani intelligence officials said. The identities of the dead in the unusually intense […]

US IS “DEEPLY TROUBLED” BY KILLINGS ON ISRAEL/SYRIA BORDER The United States said Sunday it is “deeply troubled” over clashes on the Syrian border with Israel that reportedly resulted in 14 deaths, and called for calm on both sides. Israeli troops opened fire as protesters from Syria on Sunday stormed a ceasefire line in the occupied Golan Heights. “We are deeply troubled by […]

American Muslims Honor Khomeini’s Legacy in Washington: David Reaboi The Iranian mouthpiece PressTV reported on a gathering of American Muslims in Washington to mourn rabidly anti-American Shariah advocate Ayatollah Khomeini. A young woman at the event said: “Not only did he start, you know, the Islamic Revolution in Iran, but it was more importantly an Islamic revolution. … All Muslims now… celebrate the […]

MARK DURIE: “MODERATE” MOSLEMS ARE URGED TO SUPPORT JIHAD Two important modern reference works on jihad in Islam are Muhammad Haykal’s Jihad and Fighting according the the Shar‘i Policy (Al-Jihad wa-l-qital fi al-siyasa al-sharia’iyya) and Yusuf Al-Qaradawi’s Jurisprudence of Jihad (Fiqh al-jihad).  Both these works give the lie to apologies offered by many western scholars for Islam’s militancy, such as the claim that […]

HOW MUCH INCITEMENT TO HATE AND VIOLENCE IS COVERED UNDER THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH? JAMES GOURLAY Incitement: where do we draw the lines? For all who attempt to counter campus radicalisation the prevalence of individuals spreading extremism is the greatest foe, and an enemy which has not relented.  Regardless of the violent context of university extremism, institutions not only allow the proselytisation of hateful views to continue, but, their presence […]

FJORDMAN: MEDIEVAL LAW AND EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION Fjordman: Medieval law and European civilization As I have noted before, Toby E. Huff in 2010 published his book Intellectual Curiosity and the Scientific Revolution: A Global Perspective, which inspired this essay. He was also the author of the modern classic The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China and the West. Although some […]

EGYPTIAN SPRINGTIME: FEMALE JOURNALIST AND POLICEMAN BRUTALLY ATTACKED A female Egyptian journalist was attacked while covering a demonstration on Cairo’s central Tahrir Square demanding an immediate trial for ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, local media reported. The journalist was interviewing participants in Friday’s rally when a quarrel broke out between them, media reports said, quoting the head of the Cairo security department. […]