Where’s Your Budget, Mr. President?Ever since they fudged the numbers to pass ObamaCare, Democrats have abandoned credible spending plans. During the negotiations over raising the debt ceiling, President Obama reportedly warned Republican leaders not to call his bluff by sending him a bill without tax increases. Republicans in Congress ignored this threat and passed […]
Taking Our Eye Off the Jihadist Ball Posted By Bruce Thornton URL to article: Given our economic doldrums and the still metastasizing debt, the legislation raising the debt ceiling won’t keep the economy from dominating the nation’s attention until next year’s election. This means foreign affairs will continue to be an afterthought, at […]
URL to article: Pedophilia, forced marriages, blasphemy trials and drug dealing. That is the real Afghanistan. The one that lingers on even when the Taliban are chased into the hills. That cannot be changed by American intervention because this is who its people are.We might have been able to save Afghanistan from the […]
URL to article: My e-pal David Hornik is among the few top reporters in Israel. Why the surprise? Bibi caved to the considerable charm of Madeleine Halfbright at Wye and relinquished Hebron the cradle of Jewish history and faith….Israel voted for Bibi and got Tzipi Livni…rsk Media reports quote anonymous Israeli officials saying Israel […]
Sarah Churchwell, Professor of American Studies at the University of East Anglia (Disinformation Central of the Global Warmists), needs to hand back her diploma. In her article, “The Wilful Ignorance that has Dragged the US to the Brink,” she attacks the Tea Party and its religious candidates and tries to fob them off as […] A recent New York Times article was extremely disturbing. The report was entitled: “27 Deemed to Be Threats Held Aviation Licenses“. This news article was based on a report (pdf document) issued by the Inspector General (Internal Affairs) that has oversight responsibility for the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). The article stated that that the FAA has […] Similarly to what we know of the Mafia, Islam has an inbuilt clause that instructs its followers, ‘if you leave, you die’. Most Islamic countries advocate death for apostates though some people are jailed until they recant. In some instances, apostates’ families are also harassed or kidnapped and tortured. Yet another of Islams’ insecurities […] I’ve never met an American who didn’t have a soft spot in his heart for Thomas Jefferson, and who didn’t love Monticello, Jefferson’s home in Charlottesville, Va. Of course the property was also a plantation, which tells you that our third president (1801-1809) was a slave owner, and DNA evidence has ascertained that he […] Re: Taxing Questions — Sperling’s Right, Ryan’s Wrong After reading K-Lo’s post about Rep. Paul Ryan’s response to White House adviser Gene Sperling, I took a look at the Bipartisan Agreement To Add $7 Trillion To The Deficit Act of 2011– er, I mean the Budget Control (Ahem) Act of 2011 — to try […]
Stealthily Orchestrating a Pro-Islamic Stance Marilyn Penn “A stout man who wears antique wire-rimmed glasses and a thick, white-streaked beard, Mr. Yerushalmi has a seemingly inexhaustible appetite for the arguments his work provokes.” Andrea Elliott, “Behind An Anti-Sharia Push” NYTimes 7/31/11 on David Yerushalmi “A bearish man with a soft bearded face, Mr. Shata struck […]