Video: Napolitano: Concentrating Terrorists Screening Efforts on Muslim Men Under 35 is Not Good Logic (CSPAN) Bipartisan Group Of Senators Argue Administration Is In Violation of War Powers Act (FOX) U.S. Is Intensifying a Secret Campaign of Yemen Airstrikes (NYT) Healthcare overhaul fight in pivotal Atlanta court Weapons Arsenal Found in Mexico Contains Guns that […]

The Consequences of Making your Privates Public: Nancy Salvato,css.print/pub_detail.asp Sexting: When someone sends someone else a naked/nude pictures. Urban Dictionary #14 An individual who hasn’t heard the news reports on Anthony Weiner by now would have to be living under a rock.  However, there may be large numbers of people unaware of what may be considered an epidemic in what has become known […]

APPALLING!!THUGS HURL ROCKS AND BOTTLES AT ROBERT SPENCER IN GERMANY Under heavy police protection, scholar of Islam shouts out for freedom while leftists hurl rocks and bottles:  


An Israeli Fable Posted By David Solway URL to article: Iran has crossed the nuclear threshold and is testing its Shihab-3 long-range missile. King Ahmadinejad has just delivered a TV address in which he celebrates Iranian invincibility and lets it be known that he has no intention of sparing the Zionist entity. The United […]


It’s Not About Sesame Street Posted By Ben Shapiro The mainstream media seems content to focus on one aspect of my new book, Primetime Propaganda: its discussion of Sesame Street.  The UK Independent led off the publicity campaign for the book with an analysis of the children’s television show, and the left-leaning media quickly […]

MERKEL’S VISIT WITH OBAMA: BLOWOUT PARTY FOR WANING RELATIONSHIP:By Roland Nelles and Gregor Peter Schmitz,1518,767316,00.html Blow Out Party for a Relationship of Waning Importance By Roland Nelles and Gregor Peter Schmitz in Washington US President Barack Obama pulled out all the stops for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to the US this week. But despite the pomp and the Medal of Freedom for Merkel, the visit couldn’t hide the fact […]

Zawahiri Vows to Continue Bin Laden’s Work By Yassin Musharbash

Zawahiri Vows to Continue Bin Laden’s Work By Yassin Musharbash,1518,767430,00.html First he praised Osama bin Laden, and then he issued threats to Pakistan and the United States. One month after the al-Qaida leader was shot dead in Abbottabad, his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri has promised that the group will stay the course. But he remained […]

“A nation of paupers with a community of goods” By Roger Kimball

“A nation of paupers with a community of goods” Posted By Roger Kimball URL to article: I’m in Old Blighty for a couple of days for the UK launch of David Pryce-Jones’s new book from Encounter, Treason of the Heart: From Thomas Paine to Kim Philby [1]. Americans, brought up on (well, they used to […]

REMAPPING THE MIDDLE EAST AT THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS (EXTREMISM):Alex Radzyner The Theatre of Life: Remapping the Middle East at the LSE (“Libyan School of Extremism”?) There is evidence of serious attempts to delegitimise Israel at the London School of Economics. Their excuses are not good enough. The motto of the London School of Economics (LSE) is “rerum causas cognoscere”: to know the causes of […]

ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY: CHE GUEVARA IN A FROCK? The Archbishop of Canterbury should stop playing Che Guevara in a frock Rowan Williams is known for supporting Sharia law in Britain, and being “uncomfortable” about the killing of bin Laden. Now he’s after Cameron. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the Church of England was routinely dismissed by the […]