MILLOY: Last chance for GOP to stop EPA train wreck Obama’s greenhouse-gas regulations about to kill more jobs The next month is a good time for Congressional Republicans to move beyond empty gestures to solve the job-killing and economy-slowing problem that is the Obama Environmental Protection Agency. Since January, the EPA has been implementing […]
Getting Birthright Wrong By Philip Getz In mid-June, The Nation magazine, which for decades has provided a special platform for Jewish critics of Zionism, published an article by a young alumna of Birthright Israel, the organization that since 1999 has sent 260,000 young Diaspora Jews (including this writer) on free ten-day tours of the […] OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu issued a separate statement [4] condemning—and threatening Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders: Wilders has taken a dangerous path, endangering the peace and harmony of civilizations by spreading hate against Islam and Muslims in his own country as well as in […] THIS DUMB BLOKE ACCEPTED DIVESTMENT, BOYCOTT, ISRAEL BASHING AND NOW IT’S GONE TOO FAR? ANTI-SEMITISM IS NOW LAPPING AT HIS FEET….OH PULEEZ…RSK “We Cannot Continue To Participate In A Union Which Legitimises Antisemitism”: Challenging Britain’s University and College Union Following the vote by the University and College Union (UCU) at its recent annual conference […] First rule of Obama transparency: If it’s a holiday, it’s time for a White House document dump. Over the Independence Day weekend, the administration released its 2011 annual report to Congress on White House staff salaries. While economic data for the rest of America remains bleak, the financial outlook for Obama flacks looks rosier […]
China’s Hegemonic Ambitions Frighten Asian Countriesby Anna Mahjar-Barducci Asian countries are starting to worry about China’s hegemonic ambitions in the region. Recently, political tensions sparked over the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, alarming China’s neighboring countries of the possibility of Beijing’s combat operations. The Spratly Islands are a group of 100 […]
Does Europe Want the Destruction of Israel? by Guy Millière Israelis to whom I spoke during a recent visit there all said the same thing: the Muslim world is a proven enemy, but they are now facing a second enemy that shows more and more its true face: the European Union and its main […] Obama and his Jewish loyalists By Dick Morris And Eileen McGann | If the election were held today, President Obama would get only 56 percent of the Jewish vote against a generic Republican candidate, down from the 78 percent he won in 2008 and less than the 74 percent John Kerry […]
Perry Breaks With a Fellow Texan: Bush By JIM RUTENBERG and JEFF ZELENYAUSTIN, Tex. — Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican contemplating a presidential run, shares many attributes with the last man who ran for president from here, his predecessor and onetime patron, George W. Bush. He has the same straight-legged Texas swagger; the down-home, clipped […] “Blasphemy, Blasphemy Mucho”—Islamintern Denounces Islamo-realistic Free Speech in Holland OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu: “Blasphemy, Blasphemy Mucho”(apologies to Andrea Bocelli) Bat Ye’or has appositely characterized [2] Geert Wilder’s recent acquittal as a “Copernican revolution,” achieved by a solitary “unarmed man, constantly threatened by death and whose only defense was his courageous and unbending commitment […]