THE PRESIDENT’S HOUSE WRECK: PETER HANNAFORD Often, the National Park Service gets things right. Sometimes it gets them very wrong. The recently opened “re-imagining” of the President’s House in Philadelphia is one of the wrong ones. In November 1790, President George Washington and his family moved into the two-story brick house Congress has rented for them from financier Robert Morris. […]

THE GROWING THREAT IN GAZA,7340,L-4098551,00.html Growing threat in Gaza Op-ed: Fall of Mubarak regime allowed terror groups to smuggle in huge quantities of arms Seven months passed since the outbreak of Arab world uprisings. The wave is not over yet and it is still difficult to estimate its implications and how it will affect, in the long run, Israel’s […]

MARTIN PERETZ: WHAT EXPLAINS FASHIONABLE HOSTILITY TOWARD ISRAEL Cambridge Journal: What Explains Fashionable Hostility Toward Israel? Martin Peretz We live in a world in which the contagion of anti-Semitism is spreading once again. Indeed, the profusion of hostility to Israel is the proof that hatred of Jews is now quite alright, thank you. But, whatever individual and isolated wrongs Israel commits, there […]

WES PRUDEN: CRASHING THE PARTY AT PEARL HARBOR The Japanese tea master said his ceremony was meant to “heal,” invoking the favorite soothing syrup of the therapeutic age, and no doubt it was. (Cue applause.) But some wounds can’t be healed by a pot of tea, hot or iced. A tea party aboard the remains of the USS Arizona, however well-meant,  is […]

AUSTRALIA: SHARIA-SANCTIONED POLYGAMY AND CHILD MARRIAGE….SEE NOTE PLEASE Australia: Sharia-Sanctioned Polygamy and Child Marriage   “The staid report by two Australian cultural relativist academics should (but won’t) make our mainstream media talking heads curious about how mainstream Islamic opinion views polygamy in the United States. For example, what have the esteemed mainstream Islamic clerics of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America […]

INTERVIEW: FRANK GAFFNEY ON ANDREW BOSTOM’S STUDY OF WHITTAKER CHAMBERS AND TOTALITARIAN ISLAM Interview with Frank Gaffney on Whittaker Chambers and Totalitarian Islam Posted By Andrew Bostom On July 20, 2011 The interview [1] occurs during the initial ~23 minutes in two segments. Open the interview link [1] and click on at “Listen Now”  We discuss the contents of the NRO [2]/blog [3] versions of my recent […]


Another Tack: Boycott is beautiful Only Sigmund Freud could probably account for why strains of “Suicide is Painless” (the M*A*S*H theme song – in both the 1970 movie and subsequent TV series) pulsated inside my cranium each time the anti-boycott bill was being rehashed on our airwaves. Whatever the subconscious trigger, the lyrics (written by director […]


Hamas’s Gaza – Four Years Later; Chapter 2: Hamas’s Military Conduct vis-à-vis IsraelBy: C. Jacob* Introduction After the end of the Gaza war, Hamas largely stopped firing missiles at Israel, and forced the other Palestinian factions to observe the tahdiah (calm) as well – though both the factions and Hamas occasionally breach it. At […]

FRANK SALVATO: IF DEBT IS THE ENEMY THEN THERE ARE TRAITORS AMONG US The so-called “debt ceiling default crisis” continues to loom, with enough Progressive-Leftist demagoguery in the air to choke a horse, or, in this case, kill an economy. I roll my eyes at the term “debt ceiling default crisis” because the honest man – an increasingly rare species in federal government – understands that there […]

VIN IENCO: LOOKING FOR PEACE IN INDIA,css.print/pub_detail.asp Looking For Peace in India Vin Ienco This past week saw a coordinated attack on the Indian financial center of Mumbai. Three blasts rocked the city, killing 17 people and wounding over 130. The Home Minister P. Chidambaram advised a large media gathering that all known militant groups were suspects. A total of almost […]