The March of the Mosques Vin Ienco The first mosque in America was built by Albanian Muslims in 1915 in Maine. By 1919, they had established another mosque in Connecticut. Polish-speaking Tatars built a mosque in Brooklyn in 1926, which is still in use. African American Muslims established the first Mosque in Pittsburgh in 1930. The Lebanese Community of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, opened […]

The Deranged World of Cynthia McKinney By Rich Trzupek

The Deranged World of Cynthia McKinney  By Rich Trzupek Former United States Representative Cynthia McKinney is at it again: spouting nonsense on the world stage and lending aid and comfort to America’s enemies via an apparently never-ending stream of ridiculous and unfounded pronouncements. McKinney took her show on the road to the Middle East, […]


Egypt Comes Out for Hamas Posted By Robert Spencer In one of the clearest signs yet that the “Arab Spring” in post-Mubarak Egypt heralds a resurgent Islamic supremacism rather than a flowering of Western-style pluralism and democracy, Egyptian officials announced Wednesday that they were reopening the Rafah crossing this Saturday. The Rafah crossing is […]

STANLEY KURTZ: PRO-PALESTINIAN IN CHIEF Pro-Palestinian-in-Chief Obama’s hard-Left tilt is real. It’s time to revisit the issue of President Obama’s Palestinian ties. During his time in the Illinois state senate, Obama forged close alliances with the most prominent Palestinian political leaders in America. Substantial evidence also indicates that during his pre-Washington years, Obama was both supportive of the Palestinian […]

SCOTLAND’S LITERARY SHAME: BEN COHEN A place that boycotts books is not far from a place that burns them. Ben Cohen is a writer and media consultant based in New York City. He writes a column for The Huffington Post and regularly contributes opinion pieces and blogs at The Jerusalem Post, Harry’s Place, Tablet, Congress Blog and many other […]

ACLU Turns Blind Eye to Sharia in America By Stephen M. Gelé Daniel Mach, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s program on Freedom of Religion and Belief, and Jamil Dakwar, director of the ACLU’s Human Rights program, recently co-authored an article on the Huffington Post attacking legislative efforts to prohibit the application of foreign laws inconsistent with the rights granted by the U.S. and state […]

PAMELA GELLER: THE STUNNING EVENTS OF THE WEEK Waiting for the Miracle to Come By Pamela Geller For those of you waiting for the miracle to come, I am here to tell you that it is here.  The events of the last week were stunning.  This week, the home team scored big in the face of overwhelming odds. The week started out […]

DANIEL HENNINGER: THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF THE GOP AGENDA The Building Blocks of a GOP Agenda Leading governors and members of Congress know them: entitlement reform, fiscal restoration and lightly taxed long-term economic growth. The “smart money” says Barack Obama is cruising to re-election because of Republican disarray. Pick up a paper, visit a blog, turn on the TV or radio, and reports […]

ALEX JOFFE:JEWS IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE WORLD DISPERSED AND NASCENT From the Four Corners By Alex Joffe Are most Jews white? The impression that this is so is partially the result of the calamitous and decimating events of the 20th century, in which the great centers of Europe were lost to Nazi genocide while those of the Middle East and North Africa were lost […]

GEORGE RUSSELL ON SUSAN LISA ROSENBERG:A TERRORIST AND HER AUTOBIOGRAPHY About the Author George Russell is the executive editor of Fox New Channel. On November 3, 1984, Susan Lisa Rosenberg was apprehended by police as she and a cohort were hiding 740 pounds of high explosive, 14 guns (including semiautomatic weapons), and hundreds of phony IDs in a storage facility in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Rosenberg, […]