‘Gunwalker’ Scandal and the Case for Impeaching Holder While Holder didn’t pull any triggers, the Department of Justice was involved in Gunwalker from the beginning. A detective assembles a crime’s “history” by collecting and examining evidence, which eventually leads him to the perpetrator. When sufficient evidence points to a reasoned conclusion, perpetrators are arrested […] Glenn Beck’s Strong Support of Israel Beck is not only on the right side of history, defending the lone democracy in a sea of despotism, he is also helping ensure the survival of Judaism. In Prime Minister Netanyahu’s 1999 book A Durable Peace he writes: If there had been a Jewish state in the […]
Anxiety and Absurdity in the State of Israel By Louis René Beres Page Printed from: Credo quia absurdum. “I believe because it is absurd.” Israel, in the fashion of every other nation, shrinks from annihilation. How could it be otherwise? Oddly, although Israel’s particular existential perils are now plain and unprecedented, there is little […] THE MAJOR QUESTION ON ALL CRUISES I’VE BEEN ON IS ” HOW MUCH DO YOU TIP?”….I WONDER HOW MUCH YOU TIP THE JIHADIST CREW ON BOARD……RSK NEXT week a flotilla carrying so-called activists from various countries under the guise of “humanitarian concern” will set sail for the Gaza Strip, determined to break what they […] From the safety of the political sidelines, former Vice President Al Gore is venturing into a touchy topic, presenting his holistic view of how to curb the buildup of greenhouse gases warming the planet. Besides improving technology to reduce fossil fuel emissions, he is advocating “educating and empowering girls and women.” “That’s the most […] Andrew C. McCarthy Our Sharia-Compliant Afghan War Our policy in Afghanistan is part tragedy, part farce. In a better time, when the burdens of war were shared by an engaged nation and not shouldered exclusively by military families making up less than 1 percent of the population, the high farce that is the Afghanistan […] Police Report: All Assault Rapists in Oslo Follow Muhammad by Gil Ronen Defenders of Islam call it a “religion of peace” but many Norwegian women are learning that Islam is the religion of rape. According to an amazing police report released there this month, every single solved case of assault-rape in the country in […]
June 25, 2011 Mr. Richard H. Anderson Chief Executive Officer Delta Air Lines, Inc. 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320-6001 Dear Mr. Anderson: Although I’m not Jewish, I am a client of Delta and have been for many years, with hundreds of thousands of miles logged in your SkyMiles program. I’m writing to tell you […] By PHILIP KERR As the author of eight mystery novels on Hitler and the Nazis, I’m sometimes asked why I choose to write about this subject. Hasn’t the time come when, in a tidy phrase beloved of Tony Blair, we should “draw a line” under the war and move on? Indeed, the question was […] The following is information regarding a new book from Mordechai Nisan, recently retired Professor of Middle East Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Dear Friends, Everybody is talking about a Palestinian state and the two-state solution. This has monopolized political discourse for decades, and smothered alternative proposals. While teaching Middle East Studies for 35 years at […]