JOHN BERNARD: STRATEGY CHANGE NEEDED It is a universal truth that some are won over by love and others through fear. Those without a natural malice toward others are naturally drawn by acts of love and charity. Those who harbor ill-will and whose natural tendency it is to harm others, typically require a solid dose of fear to encourage […]

CAROLINE GLICK: EHUD BARAK’S HUDNA The defense minister has been too busy warning about the widely exaggerated diplomatic ‘tsunami’ at the UN in September to notice events in the Middle East in May. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have some explaining to do. On Sunday, Israel was invaded along its border with Syria. More than […]

BRET STEPHENS: ISRAEL WILL NEVER HAVE PEACE…..SEE NOTE Israel Will Never Have Peace This weekend’s border-crossing demonstrators believe, like Hamas, that the Jewish State has no right to any territory from the river to the sea. STEPHENS IS ANOTHER TWO STATE GROUPIE THAT NOW “GETS IT”????? No doubt it is true, as the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Sunday, that among […]

WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: WHITE HOUSE DOWN IN THE MIDDLE EAST SEE NOTE White House Down in Middle East WALTER RUSSELL MEAD I CAN’T EXACTLY AGREE THAT OBAMA HAS POLICY SUCCESSES ….HOWEVER THIS COLUMN MAKES SOME GOOD POINTS…RSK The news that George Mitchell is resigning as US special envoy closes a chapter in the greatest international failure of the Obama administration to date.  The President’s foreign […]


Amnesty International Is Keeping Dubious Company By Robin Simcox How many human rights groups do you know that fantasize over the murder of the president of the United States? Anyone thinking that no organization would be so egregious clearly did not reckon on Cageprisoners, the group run by former Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg. […]


Glenn Beck Announces “Restoring Courage” Event in Israel Glenn Beck announces a major international rally in Jerusalem, Israel: Operation Restoring Courage Event The rally purpose is to stand with the Jews and Israel in their time of need! Glenn Beck believes that: The time to be counted is NOW! Evil grows when goodness […]

YORAM ETTINGER: NO US PRESSURE ON ISRAEL…..SEE NOTE PLEASE,7340,L-4069618,00.html No US pressure on Israel :YORAM ETTINGEROp-ed: Despite Bin Laden success, Obama has no mandate to press Jewish State When the first President Bush and the loathsome James Baker were flush with high approval for the first Gulf War, they engaged in bully tactics toward Israel….and they lost….and lost big….rsk President Obama intends to […]

THE BUDGET DEBATE WE ALL DESERVE: PAUL RYAN,0,3799859.story The budget debate we all deserve By Paul Ryan Despite Washington coming to grips with the fact that the debt threat is real, policymakers still are not having the debate Americans deserve. The talk is too often restricted to “shared sacrifice.” This sets up a debate where we are really just arguing over […]

PALARABS STORM INTO ISRAEL: SHAUN WATERMAN ISRAEL SHOULD REALLY NAKBA THEM THIS TIME….RSK Thousands of Palestinian demonstrators clashed with Israeli security forces on three hostile borders Sunday in an unprecedented wave of protests marking an annual ritual against the founding of the Jewish state in 1948. Israeli soldiers opened fire, leaving at least 15 dead and many more injured, as […]

RUTH KING:THE HASHEMITES OF PALESTINE: A ROYAL SCAM THAT KEEPS ON SCAMMING News from the Middle East is full of the threat of Arab revolts “springing” up in Jordan and challenging the rule of King Abdullah II, son of the late King Hussein.  The throne in Amman is depicted as the “ancient” Hashemite Dynasty of Jordan. It’s a royal historical scam. There has never, repeat never, […]