CLARICE FELDMAN: FROM THE MOSLEM WORLD BIG DONATIONS TO AMERICAN COLLEGES Some years ago, Stanley Kurtz took a hard look at the reporting of foreign gifts to American universities, at a time when he was concerned that Title VI Sec. 1011f  might be gutted by a democratic House. (20 USC 1011-Sec. 1011f requires colleges and universities to disclose foreign donations and contracts valued at $250,000 […]

ANDREW BOSTOM: MIAMI TALIBAN IMAM’S SON…THE DAMNING WIRETAP EVIDENCE IS “A MISINTERPRETATION OF LANGUAGE Miami Taliban Imam’s Son Damning Wiretaps ‘A Misinterpretation of Language’ Andrew G. Bostom According to the U.S. District Court of Southern Florida indictment of Imam Hafiz Muhammad Sher Ali Khan, law enforcement agents recorded a series of phone calls in 2009 and 2010 during which the elder Khan — between numerous transfers of money […]

YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT A “NAKBA”????READ THIS ABOUT JEWISH REFUGEES FROM ARAB COUNTRIES!! Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries By Jacqueline Shields Although much is heard about the plight of the Palestinian refugees, little is said about the Jews who fled from Arab states. In 1945, there were more than 870,000 Jews living in the various Arab states. Many of their communities dated back 2,500 years. Throughout 1947 […]

THE POGROM OF ADEN IN 1947: THE JEWISH “NAKBA” “This prolonged outbreak of disorder and violence left 74 Jews dead (76 and even 78 according to some reports) with – a subsequent Colonial Office inquiry headed by Sir Harry Trusted, formerly Chief Justice of Palestine found – a similar number seriously injured.  Many Jewish homes were burned down, and of 170 Jewish shops, 106 were looted […]

OH CANADA! ELLIOT JAGER In striking contrast to the treatment Jerusalem has been getting from its fair-weather European allies and a fickle Obama administration, there stands, of all countries, Canada. Why “of all countries”? Because none of this was preordained. The Jewish Vote Paul C. Merkley,  Jewish Political Studies Review.  Re-examining their place on the political spectrum, Canadian […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: LIBERALISM’S RAPE CORPS Liberalism’s Rape Corps Two years ago the left launched a major assault on Haliburton over its mishandling of two sexual assault cases by or against its civilian contractors. Al Franken successfully introduced a bill to bar defense contracts from going to companies who behave likewise. Left wing media boasted that they were the defenders […]


The Full-Blown Return of Anti-Semitism in Europe by Guy Millière On April 19, the Corfu synagogue, in Greece, was burned. How many Jews live in Corfu today? One hundred and fifty. How many Jews live in Greece? Eight thousand, or about 0.8% of the population. For some, it seems these figures are still far […]

MITCH DANIELS GOT THE NAJEEB HALABY AWARD…..SEE NOTE PLEASE NAJEEB HALABY IS DADDY OF QUEEN NOOR OF JORDAN….PAST HONOREES WERE: JOHN DINGELL, BAREMBOIM-SAID FOUNDATION, UNRWA, HELEN THOMAS…..GET THE PICTURE? US Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood presented the Najeeb Halaby Award for Public Service to Governor Mitch Daniels, who is of Syrian descent. Governor Daniels joked that he was glad to have failed in […]

TO STAND UP AND SERVE: THE PASTOR BONHOEFFER STORY “I heard someone say yesterday that the last years had been completely wasted as far as he was concerned. I’m very glad that I have never yet had that feeling, even for a moment,” Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in April of 1944. Horrified by the Nazi treatment of Jews, the German Lutheran pastor would join […]

DOUBLE HONOR KILLINGS COMMITTED BY WOMEN IN INDIA….APPALLING Double honor killing in India: Muslim mothers murder daughters for marrying Hindus Islamic law forbids Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men. As far as these mothers are concerned, to have allowed such marriages would have been worse than murdering their own daughters. “We killed them because they had brought shame to our community. How […]