For the latest, go to Newt Gingrich on why he sat on sofa with Pelosi in Gore ad: ‘My point is conservatives ought to be prepared to stand on the same stage and offer a conservative solution’ – ‘Unlike Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich makes no apologies about his past advocacy on climate change’ Climate […]

MOSHE PHILLIPS:CHRISTIANS CRY FOR HELP IN EGYPT AS CHURCHES ARE BURNED In Cairo on Saturday, May 7 Muslim protesters attacked two Coptic Christian churches. The rioters set one of the churches on fire. Twelve have been killed and over 200 injured in the violence. Simon Caldwell of the Catholic News Service (CNS) reported on May 10 that: Bishop Antonios Aziz Mina of Giza said Egypt […]

JEFFREY WIESENFELD INTERVIEWED…..PLEASE READ ‘Tony Kushner Is Disingenuous And Dissembling’: An Interview with CUNY Board of Trustee Member Jeffrey Wiesenfeld By: Elliot Resnick, Jewish Press Staff Reporter The decision last week by CUNY’s Board of Trustees to deny playwright Tony Kushner an honorary degree sparked an uproar in the media, and Jeffrey Wiesenfeld has been at the center […]

VIN NOTES ON ISLAMISM ROUND THE WORD….READ IT ALL Vin’s Notes on Islamism: Part Eleven Documenting Islamist incursions around the globe.Vin Ienco Remembering Javed Last week, the eyes of the world were fixed on Pakistan and the events surrounding the death of Bin Laden. While the media presented every possible angle of his death, other news went under the radar. Last week was […]

AMIL IMANI: RELAX….ISLAM IS JUST BADLY MISUNDERSTOOD Everybody just relax. Islam is badly misunderstood. The negative stereotype of Islam is the usual evil-doings of Zionists in America and their foolish fellow travelers, fundamentalist Christians. Please don’t listen to what these hatemongers say about Islam and hear us out. So implies the nationally-launched campaign of Muslim organizations in the United States. Ads […]


1. Video: President (D) Makes fun of Conservatives on Border Security 2. Video: American Debt – America’s youth weigh in on the issue that affects them more than any other group. 3. Schools struggle to teach 9/11 to students too young to remember 4. Video: Casino Ejects Woman In Muslim Garb 5. Dog Escapes Vet’s […]

PEN AND PAPER JIHAD: TEACHING THE TALIBAN TO BE NICE,1518,761763,00.html Pakistan’s Effort to Resocialize Former Taliban By Hasnain Kazim in the Swat Valley, Pakistan For two years, the Taliban terrorized the beautiful Swat Valley in northern Pakistan. Now that Islamabad has regained control, it is trying to resocialize those who supported the Islamist radicals. In “deradicalization” courses, they learn how they can be good Muslims without […]

Hamas leader: We’ll accept 1967 borders, but never recognize Israel

Hamas leader: We’ll accept 1967 borders, but never recognize Israel This makes no sense: 1967 borders with what? How can they have borders with a polity they refuse to recognize? And if they still intend to “liberate” all of “Palestine,” that means they don’t accept any borders at all, 1967 or otherwise. This is […]

ANDREW ROBERTS: UK GOES WOBBLY ON TERRORISM The foul outpouring of sneering anti-Americanism and concern for bin Laden’s human rights has left me deeply ashamed. By ANDREW ROBERTS I never thought I’d say this, especially less than a fortnight after the Royal Wedding, but my countrymen’s reactions to the death of Osama bin Laden have made me doubt my pride in […]

PAKISTAN: JOHN BOLTON Duplicity has been a hallmark of Pakistan’s approach to the U.S. for years. Beginning in the 1970s, Islamabad denied it was pursuing nuclear weapons, even as Washington repeatedly confronted it with concrete evidence. Presidents and Congresses fulminated, but the nuclear program continued and a device was successfully tested in 1998. So no one should […]