Autumn is here. Brisk mornings have returned. The midterms are fast approaching. Electric change saturates the air.
At a granular level, so much in America today is terribly wrong. Inflation, crime, unprotected borders, censorship, political persecution, language codes, and other leftist lunacies grip the nation. From a broader perspective, though, something is right: more and more people in the United States and throughout the West are finally waking up to the sinister machinations of our globalist power brokers and the many miseries they have wrought.
For so many decades, totalitarianism has spread incrementally across formerly free Western nations, and most citizens were either asleep at the switch or too comfortable to be bothered. What’s wrong with outlawing speech that’s “hateful”? Who could be for hate? What’s wrong with letting private bankers manipulate the value of national currencies? They do so only to prevent runaway inflation from ruining the economy. What’s wrong with legislatures spending more money than they have? They can always print more banknotes, tax more incomes, leverage the properties of ever more distant generations far from being born. What’s wrong with endless wars against amorphous concepts like “terror”? Wars against nameless terror could never mutate into military campaigns against domestic civilians. What’s wrong with disarming civilian populations while arming all-powerful central governments to the hilt? In “democracies,” after all, “authoritarianism” is not allowed.
Trust your leaders to do “what’s best,” to do “what’s right,” and everything will be okay. Believe without hesitation or doubt what the government tells you, and disregard all opposing viewpoints as dangerous lies. Reject religious traditions as archaic falsehoods instilling bigotry, and accept the State’s “Great Reset” and “Green New Deal” as certain scientific truths. Support consensus opinion and reject dissent as “extreme.” Remember that politically incorrect words and unsanctioned beliefs may be recognized as forms of “violence” requiring official response. Believe the mainstream media. Trust the scientific bureaucracy. Report fellow citizens who think too freely. And no matter what, obey the authorities…for your own good.