HOW NOT TO DEFEND YOURSELF AS A JEW AT YALE: DAVID HOROWITZ How Not to Defend Yourself as a Jew at Yale Posted By David Horowitz At Yale the other week, Students for Justice in Palestine, one of the most aggressive and vicious supporters of Palestinian terrorism, conducted a stunt to dramatize their anti-Israel agenda. Members of the SJP put “Eviction Notices” under the dorm room […]

RACIAL GERRYMANDERING: ABIGAIL THERNSTROM Racial Gerrymandering ABIGAIL THERNSTROM To the media and academe, segregated congressional districts are enlightened public policy. Blacks should know their place, the media seem to think. Increasingly, they are leaving their natural habitat — the inner city — and wandering into residential areas where lots of non-blacks live, the Washington Post and other media […]

RYAN’S WARRIORS: ROBERT COSTA Ryan’s Warriors GOP congressmen take their budget to town-hall meetings. Audubon, Pa. — One mile from Valley Forge, on a balmy Tuesday, Rep. Pat Meehan strode into Shannondell, a sprawling, seniors-only apartment complex. He came as a foot soldier for Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget. And like many House Republicans this recess, he came armed […]

RON RADOSH: THE FATAH/HAMAS AGREEMENT ….THE END OF THE POLICY AND THE “PEACE PROCESS” The Fatah-Hamas Agreement: The Failure of Obama’s Middle East Policy, and the End of the ‘Peace Process’ It has just been announced that Fatah and Hamas, the two bitter rivals in the Palestinian nationalist movement, have signed a unity accord to end their decades long divide. Their preliminary agreement, according to The New York […]

HAMAS AND FATAH BICKERING ALREADY Just one day after the leaders of Fatah and Hamas announced a reconciliation agreement between the two warring Palestinian factions signs have already emerged that the mooted deal could be still-born. A Fatah official warned on Thursday that important groupings within Hamas, a fanatical terror group committed to Israel’s destruction, were already protesting against […]

LARA LOGAN BREAKS HER SILENCE….. Lara Logan: “They (Egyptian Democracy Advocates) Raped Me With Their Hands” Posted By Andrew Bostom On April 29, 2011 [1Breaking her silence, Lara Logan [2] (aptly) categorizes her own 2/11/11 “sexual assault” by some 200 to 300 Egyptian democracy advocates as a merciless, extended rape. For an extended period of time, they raped me […]

A WORLD GONE NUTS: CALLING ANIMALS “PETS” IS INSULTING!!! Calling animals ‘pets’ is insulting, academics claim JOHN BINGHAM Animal lovers should stop calling their furry or feathered friends “pets” because the term is insulting, leading academics claim. Domestic dogs, cats, hamsters or budgerigars should be rebranded as “companion animals” while owners should be known as “human carers”, they insist. Even terms such as […]

HAMAS: THE HARD, HATEFUL FACTS Hamas: The Hard, Hateful Facts The following statement, from the Israeli Embassy in Canberra, obtained via the antipodean J-Wire service, well encapsulates the mischievous nature of Fatah’s reconciliation with Hamas, and the justification for Israel’s consequent dismay. It contains the hard, hateful facts about Hamas that the BBC and similar media outlets conceal: The […]

ROGER KIMBALL: THE WAY WE LIVE NOW… Last week, a lounge singer was arrested on suspicion of racism for singing the Frank Sinatra classic “I’ll Do it My Way.” The song, performed by Durka Mohammed, 28, a native of Somalia, is said to have offended a Westchester couple as they walked past the Hindu Kush Bar in Manhattan. The entertainer regularly […]

ADRIAN MORGAN: 16 KILLED IN MOROCCAN BOMB BLAST: IS AL QAEDA INVOLVED?,css.print/pub_detail.asp 16 Killed in Moroccan Bomb Blast:Is Al-Qaeda Involved? On Thursday at midday local time, April 28, an explosion ripped through the Argana Restaurant in Marrakesh, Morocco. The force of the blast tore off the roof of the restaurant.  Initial reports assumed it was a gas explosion, and then it became clear that the blast […]