SEE WHAT THE AIR FORCE WILL RELEASE….. The U.S. Air Force will soon be retesting its X-51A WaveRider, an unmanned, supersonic ramjet-powered demonstrator that is intended to eventually deliver warheads and provide reconnaissance to virtually anywhere on the planet within 30 minutes. The shark-nosed, nearly wingless craft is designed to be launched from underneath a B-52 bomber and ride on its […]

GREAT NEWS: IRAN’S NUKE SYSTEM IS PARALYZED: REZA KAHLILI AND NOW THEY ARE SINGING: “ARE THE STARS OUT TONIGHT?”….READ ALL ABOUT THE STARS CYBER WORM….RSK PJM Exclusive: Actually, Stuxnet Has Completely Paralyzed Iran’s Bushehr Plant Iran may even have to junk it and start from scratch. Contrary to the claim made by the Iranian Center for Non-Military Preemptive Defense, the Stuxnet virus has […]

AN INTERVIEW WITH PAMELA GELLER ON THE MUST SEE FILM ON THE GROUND ZERO CONTROVERSY Must-See Film on Ground Zero Mosque Controversy An interview with one of the producers of The Ground Zero Mosque: Second Wave of 9/11 Attacks. As the tenth anniversary of 9/11 approaches, a movie about the Ground Zero mosque highlights why Americans should never forget how we got involved in all this. Pam Geller, an […]

THE PALARAB ASSAULT ON JEWISH SHRINES Read all of Dunetz’s article here: The Palestinian Arab Assault on Non-Muslim Holy Places That the latest desecration (over Passover) of Joseph’s Tomb, after the Temple Mount and the Tomb of the Patriarchs the third holiest site in Judaism, by Palestinian Arabs – who shouted “Allahu Akhbar” – is part of a determined and ongoing […]


Smelling ‘Treif’ at the New York Times By Richard N. Weltz For those who don’t know the word, treif is Yiddish for “not kosher,” and these nostrils have been detecting a whiff of something distinctly un-kosher at the New York Times lately. For the past several weeks at least, the Gray Lady has run […]

THE OBAMAS SILENT ON RACE ATROCITY IN BALTIMORE: LAURI REGAN The Obamas Silent in the Face of Race Atrocity By Lauri B. Regan For the average human being, it was not possible to watch the video of two black women beating the life out of a defenseless white woman at a McDonald’s in Baltimore and not feel complete and total revulsion.  Adding to the […]


Shooting Jews at Prayer (Updated) Peggy Shapiro Palestinian police shouting “Allahu akbar” opened fire on Jews praying at Joseph’s Tomb Sunday, killing one and wounding four.  The worshippers were attacked as they were exiting the prayer site by PA policemen, who according to the IDF “were fully aware that the men they fired on […]

OBAMA OFFICIALLY DECLARES WAR ON CAPITALISM:WAYNE ALLEN ROOT By Wayne Allyn Root It’s official. President Obama has declared war on capitalism, which is funny because he never officially declared war on Libya. But our fearless Marxist-in-chief reserves a special brand of hatred for capitalism, entrepreneurship and rich people. Just days ago, Mr. Obama publicly blamed “speculators” for the rising price of gas. […]

ELI LAKE: BRITISH FIRM OFFERED SPYWARE TO EGYPT TO TARGET DISSIDENTS British firm offered spy software to Egypt Activists say they were the targets Egyptian anti-regime activists found a startling document last month during a raid inside the headquarters of the country’s state security service: A British company offered to sell a program that security experts say could infect dissidents’ computers and gain access to […]

SUPREMELY DISAPPOINTING…COURT WILL NOT EXPEDITE HEALTH CARE RULING….SEE NOTE Paige Winfield Cunningham KENNETH T. CUCCINELLI 11 COULD BE VIRGINIA’S NEXT GOVERNOR…..PRESENT GOVERNOR McDONNELL CANNOT RUN FOR A SECOND TERM….. -Virginia Attorney General Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II said he is disappointed but not surprised the U.S. Supreme Court rejected his request to fast-track the state’s lawsuit challenging federal health care law. Although the case […]