FIDEL CASTRO “RESIGNS” HUMBERTO FONTOVA The MSM is all aflutter, atwitter and agape over Cuba’s Communist Party “Congress” this week where Fidel Castro (84), former Cuban “President,” and “First Secretary of Cuba’s Communist Party,” officially “resigned” his position as “First Secretary of Cuba’s Communist Party.” In February 2008 Fidel Castro had already officially “resigned” as “President,” while retaining his […]

RUSSIANS KILL SAUDI AL-QADA ENVOY IN CHECHNYA… Russia kills ‘Saudi Al-Qaeda envoy’ in Chechnya Russian security forces in Chechnya killed a Saudi militant who was the top envoy of Al-Qaeda in the Northern Caucasus and responsible for deadly attacks, the national anti-terror committee said Friday. The militant — known by the nom-de-guerre of Moganned — was one of three rebels killed […]

IN THE UK: EXTREMISTS RIDING ROUGHSHOD OVER COWARDLY AUTHORITIES: Raheem Kassam The short arm of the law: Extremists still riding roughshod over British authorities British authorities act with cowardice when confronting extremists who attempt to use our own liberalism against us I’ve just received a press release. It’s from an organisation called, “Muslims against Crusades”.  It’s long, tedious and full of misnomers (and grammatical errors).  It’s amateurish, offensive, […]

BAHRAIN’S ATTACKS AND ARRESTS OF MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS WHO TREAT INJURED PROTESTERS….SEE NOTE MY OH MY…THOSE “MODERATES” WOULD BEHAVE BETTER IF ONLY ISRAEL MADE MORE CONCESSIONS…..??? MANAMA, Bahrain – Bahraini authorities have conducted a systematic campaign of attacks and arrests against medical professionals who treated injured protesters during months of unrest in the Gulf kingdom, an international medical group said Friday. Physicians for Human Rights claims doctors […]

PEACE PLAN OR ASSISTED SUICIDE FOR ISRAEL? Pres. Obama considering presenting Pigs Can Fly peace plan (with right of return for Palestinians?) [Dr. Aaron Lerner – IMRA: Here are the principles, according to the New York Times: #1 Israel to accept a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders #2 Palestinians accept that they would not get the right of return […]

CAROLINE GLICK: OBAMA’S ALTRUISTIC FOREIGN POLICY | If only in the interest of intellectual hygiene, it would be refreshing if the Obama administration would stop ascribing moral impetuses to its foreign policy. Today US forces are engaged in a slowly escalating war on behalf of al Qaida-penetrated anti-regime forces in Libya. It is difficult to know the significance of […]

BETSY McCAUGHEY REBUTS CBO ON THE RYAN BUDGET PLAN….SEE NOTE BETSY MCCAUGHEY: CBO declares war on Ryan budget plan Real analysts don’t play pretend with America’s future Betsy McCaughey is former lieutenant governor of New York state and author of “The Obama Health Law: What It Says And How To Overturn It” and the powerhouse that destroyed Hillary Clinton’s disastrous healthcare initiative….rsk Critics of […]

GOP SEARCHING FOR MR. RIGHT WHILE OBAMA BENEFITS FROM DISARRAY BRETT DECKER: GOP: Looking for Mr. Right A weak President Obama benefits from opposition disarray Barack Obama currently has the worst approval ratings of his presidency. According to a new survey from Rasmussen Reports, only 22 percent of Americans think the country is heading in the right direction. Three years into his term of […]

OBAMA $38,500 A PERSON FUNDRAISER IS DISRUPTED BY ANTI-WAR HECKLERS Activists disrupt Obama fundraiser President laughs off antiwar hecklers protesting treatment of WikiLeaks figure KARA ROWLAND Bringing the plight of the accused WikiLeaks leaker to President Obama’s doorstep, a group of activists interrupted a high-dollar campaign fundraiser he was holding in San Francisco on Thursday to protest the administration’s treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning. […]

THE RECENT ELECTION IN FINLAND….THE “TRUE FINNS” PARTY Thursday, April 21, 2011 Rabid Injustice The MSM keeps on getting it wrong. About Europe, they are especially likely to get it wrong. Take this latest essay from The Weekly Standard concerning the recent elections in Finland and the meaning behind the rise of the True Finns Party in that thinly-populated country. First, some […]