With Israel or against? The West has to decide NOW and fast With Israel or against? The West has to decide NOW and fast whether it is willing to stand by and see a second Holocaust.Will Cameron and Sarkozy and Merkel and Obama and the rest wring their hands and say: “f only they had […]
http://www.steynonline.com/content/view/4084/28/ Mitch Daniels has wrapped up his “To be or not to be” routine, and, according to Paul Rahe, left the GOP looking like a hamlet without a prince. Paul is upset. I’m less so. As I said on the radio some months back, one should never underestimate the Republican Party’s ability to screw up its presidential […]
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704569404576299241421694066.html Obama’s Unspoken Re-Election Edge This presidency flatters America to a degree that no white Republican can hope to match. By SHELBY STEELE “Another kind of charisma redounds to those willing to challenge political correctness—those unwilling to be in thrall to the president’s cultural charisma.Lastly, there must be a Republican message of social exceptionalism. America […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerkimball/2011/05/25/higher-education-bubble-the-real-world-weighs-in/ The current, and the money, is beginning to flow the other way. Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, has read the tea leaves, seen the pattern in the carpet, and felt the shifting winds of change. Here’s the relevant headline form The Chronicle of So-Called Higher Education: Thiel Fellowship Pays 24 Talented Students $100,000 Not to […]
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/8534947/Barack-Obama-suffers-royal-toast-mishap-at-Queens-banquet.html The US President had just begun proposing a toast to the Queen when the orchestra accidentally struck up God Save The Queen. However, rather than pause and continue the speech after the music had stopped, Mr Obama pressed on only to be rebuffed when he raised his glass to her. The Queen did not […]
http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2011/05/25/pakistan%E2%80%99s-military-elite-trained-in-anti-americanism-and-believe-911-was-a-%E2%80%9Cjewish-conspiracy/ Pakistan’s Military Elite: Trained in Anti-Americanism, and Believe 9/11 Was a “Jewish Conspiracy“ The Living Legacy of Zia Ul-Haq, Godfather of Pakistan’s Modern Jihadist Military Then U. S. Ambassador to Pakistan Anne Patterson, alarmed by her interaction with trainees at Pakistan’s National Defense University (NDU), where, after addressing them, she had “received astonishingly naive […]
israelnationalnews.com Will Netanyahu’s Highlights or Concessions Be Remembered by Dr. Amiel Ungar Everybody knows that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is a deft and articulate speaker and he proved this once again in his address before the two houses of Congress. The address had a number of good points, stylistically and content-wise, but the very fact […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to congress was less about the contents of his speech and more about the familiarity. Like Tony Blair, he was startlingly at home here. His presence an instinctive reminder of an alliance based on commonality and fellowship, weighed against the realpolitik of multinationalism. The warmth in his tone countering the […]
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2011/05/25/palins_secret_weapon_new_film_to_premiere_in_june_109949-full.html Palin’s Secret Weapon: New Film to Premiere in June By Scott Conroy I like her and have defended her, but now she should run for the Senate in Arizona. Our nation and the world are in worse shape than ever before and she has done nothing, nada, since being part of the great loser […]
This is the current and unchanged or amended charter. It calls for the destruction of Israel. This is not Hamas…this is Fatah and Abu Mazen, aka, Abbas. The “moderate” partner for peace. The PLO Charter Below is the Palestinian National Covenant, the official charter of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The text is the English version published […]