What Should Netanyahu Say? By Jerold S. Auerbach Next Tuesday, four days after he meets with President Obama, Prime Minister Netanyahu will address Congress.  With Israel now confronting a triple-security threat that leaves the country more vulnerable than at any time since the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War in 1973, it is imperative […]

OBAMA’S ISRAEL SURPRISE By JAY SOLOMON And CAROL E. LEE Obama’s Israel Surprise President Issues Clear Call for Talks on Palestinian State Based on Pre-1967 Borders WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama, seeking to get ahead of historic changes rolling through the Middle East, promised support for democratic uprisings in the Arab world and called for the first time to begin negotiations for a Palestinian state based […]

SETH LIPSKY: SHOULD AMERICA SELL ITS GOLD? By SETH LIPSKY It’s been 25 years since I found myself sitting in the office of Karl Otto Poehl, the president of the West German Bundesbank. I was then a young editorial writer at The Wall Street Journal intent on asking Europe’s most powerful central banker how he felt about the monetary crisis of […]

Mark Steyn On Barack Obama’s Israel Problem Mark Steyn On Barack Obama’s Israel Problem Friday, May 20, 2011 HH: I begin on this Thursday as I do when we are lucky with Columnist To the World, Mark Steyn. You can read everything Mark writes at Mark, a remarkable speech by the President today, your assessment? MS: Well, at a certain […]

SURPRISE! SURPRISE!….CAIR LIKED OBAMA’S SPEECH Reps of Syrian and Libyan-American communities participate in viewing and press conference WASHINGTON, May 19, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today said that President Obama’s speech this afternoon on the “Arab Spring” freedom movements in the Middle East and North Africa sets the right tone but needs to be translated […]

ROBIN SHEPHERD ON OBAMA’S FUTILE GESTURE OF APPEASEMENT Jeremy Bowen was glowing. The BBC’s Middle East editor said President Obama’s speech yesterday, in which he effectively threw Israel under the proverbial bus by demanding the Jewish state accepts the completely indefensible 1967 lines as the basis for a peace deal with the Palestinians, represented a clear move by the United States to […]

CAL THOMAS: SILENT CAL SPEAKS…WHY CALVIN COOLIDGE IS THE MODEL FOR CONSERVATIVE LEADERSHIP TODAY Silent Cal Speaks: Why Calvin Coolidge is the Model for Conservative Leadership Today Published on October 31, 1996 by Cal Thomas The Republican National Convention of 1924 nominated Calvin Coolidge as its candidate for a full four-year term as President. You’ll recall that Coolidge had assumed the presidency following the death of Warren Harding. […]

ALLEN WEST:THE MOST EGREGIOUS FOREIGN POLICY DECISION BY THIS ADMINISTRATION Conservatives led by Florida Republican Allen West Thursday were quick to blast President Barack Obama’s game-changing recognition of a Palestinian state existing along Israel’s pre-1967 borders — a decision that many described as an existential threat for the Jewish state. “Today’s endorsement by President Barack Obama of the creation of a Hamas-led Palestinian state […]

FRANK GAFFNEY: OBAMA WANTS TO REPARTITION JERUSALEM By: Frank Gaffney President Obama’s latest paean to what he calls “the Muslim world,” delivered at the State Department today, was an exercise in whistling past the graveyard of real and growing dangers and a litany of misleading statements that borders on official malpractice. Its most important upshot is this: The United States is […]


Obama Trying His Damndest to Start WW3 Posted by Ann Barnhardt – – Commodity Brokerage Okay. Here’s what you need to understand about what Obama just did. He said that there needs to be a Palestinian State based upon the pre-1967 borders. This isn’t just throwing Israel under the bus, this is throwing Israel […]