LIBYA REBELS TO GET 25 MILLION FROM U.S. FOR “NONLETHAL SUPPORT” Libya rebels will receive $25 million from U.S. White House OKs nonlethal support ELI LAKE The Obama administration informed Congress on Friday that it is providing $25 million in nonlethal aid to Libya’s rebels, a sign that the United States and its allies are stepping up support for the opposition to Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s […]

VICTOR SHARPE: LAND FOR PEACE OR OBLIVION,css.print/pub_detail.asp “To meet a people’s need through a people’s own effort…this idea of self-emancipation is Zionism” Henrietta Szold. Immediately after the June 1967 Six Day War, a secret memorandum was issued by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). Their conclusions were that any peace settlement between Israel and the Arab belligerents would only […]

NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY CALLS FOR BOYCOTT OF ALL “NON BLACK BUSINESS” By Caroline May – The Daily Caller The New Black Panther Party — an organization known largely for their intimidation of voters outside a Philadelphia precinct — has announced plans for a “National Day of Action and Unity” — ironically urging followers (on their day of unity) to boycott all “non-black business” on April 23. […]

MICHAEL CUTLER: OBAMA’S MEETING ON IMMIGRATION Hi Gang: I guess you could refer to my commentary today as a “Tale of two news reports.”  Both of these news reports appeared on their respective websites on Tuesday, April 19th. The first of the news articles that I am providing to you appeared on the CNN website while the second report was […]

OBAMA SLAPS ISRAEL IN THE FACE…ON PASSOVER: ALLEN WEST West: Obama slaps Israel in the face…on Passover. By Congressman Alan West Barack Obama seems to think that attending a Passover seder once a year will fool Jews into thinking he likes them. Forget that he gave massive financial support — not to mention weekly attendance — to a church whose pastor, Jeremiah Wright, […]


French Ruling Party Discusses Separation of Church and State Nidra Poller The video of a Koran-burning by an obscure pastor in Gainesville, Florida went viral, spinning all the way to Mazar-i-Sharif (Afghanistan) where, on April 1st, an enraged mob stormed the UNAM (United Nations Assistance Mission) compound, killing 3 UN staff members and 4 […]

ADRIAN MORGAN:BRITAIN: JAILED FOR BURNING A KORAN Adrian Morgan –The Editor, Family Security Matters. Forget notions of freedom of speech in Britain. Freedom of speech, if it does still exist in that Godforsaken country, is now subject to cultural relativism. When Muslim fanatic Emdadur Choudhury burned a large poppy symbol on Armistice Day (November 11, 2010) in London, he deliberately offended […]

MARK STEYN: POLITICS AND WAR Wandering round this great republic predicting the apocalypse, I’m often asked by audience members why it is I’m being quite so overwrought if not an hysterical old queen about the whole business. After all, President Obama’s now-forgotten “Deficit Commission” produced a report melodramatically emblazoned “The Moment of Truth” and proposing such convulsive course corrections […]

HERBERT LONDON:LIBYA AND THE LOSS OF AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY For many, the American engagement in Libya is an enigma. Was the use of American aircraft a humanitarian mission to prevent a bloodbath, were these planes deployed to assist the so-called rebels, were they called on to send a message to Khadafy – perhaps even oust him? There has been speculation about all of […]

AMIL IMANI:MUSLIMS’ VICTIM MENTALITY As a group, Muslims are paranoid and suffer chronically from the disease of victimization. That is, they either victimize the helpless whenever and wherever they can, or scream murder against the strong. This mentality is one of the many bequests that Muhammad left for his Ummah.  Recall that Muhammad himself bemoaned his victim plight […]