MORAL MONSTERS IN AFGHANISTAN AND MORAL IDIOTS IN AMERICA: DENNIS PRAGER Moral Monsters in Afghanistan and Moral Idiots in America Apologies for the murders in Afghanistan exhibit a bigotry of low expectations. Given the preoccupation of the American media with the possible shutdown of the American government, and the preoccupation of American and world media with Japan’s travails and the revolts in the Arab world, […]


America’s Next Top Energy Slogan What, exactly, does “clean energy” mean? Robert Bryce Last month, the Department of Energy launched a competition called “America’s Next Top Energy Innovator.” According to Energy Secretary Steve Chu, the effort will “unleash America’s innovation machine and win the global race for the clean energy jobs of the future.” […]

A GREAT TAKEDOWN OF BOTEACH’S DEFENSE OF SAMANTHA POWERS Say it ain’t so: Shmuely Boteach calls Samantha Power one of his heroes SEE VIDEO AT THE SITE Oy vey…. I knew I wasn’t going to like this article when in the second paragraph, Orthodox Rabbi Shmuely Boteach described the Irish-born shikse married to a JINO (Jew in Name Only) as ‘one of my […]

DIANA WEST: MORE CATCH AND RELEASE MADNESS Where’s Captain Bligh when we need him? — Catch-and-release wrought tragedy and injustice in Iraq; it does the same thing in Afghanistan. Now, it also rules the waves — but first, a halal meal: From the Daily Mail Via Vlad Tepes: “HMS Nursemaid: Shame as Navy seizes 17 armed Somalis, gives them halal meat and […]

DAVID SOLWAY: THE NEW WEATHERMEN Recently, pretty much on a whim, I decided to monitor the accuracy of radio and TV weather reports, since these affect our daily behavior in all sorts of different ways: what we wear, whether we go in to work or not, look to the repair of the shutters, go up on the ladder to […]

APRIL 12, 2011 IS THE ANNIVERSARY OF FT. SUMTER THE OPENING SHOT OF THE CIVIL WAR What the Civil War Meant for American Jews Now and Then By Jonathan D. Sarna LIBRARY OF CONGRESS When Our House Was Divided: The Battle of Gettysburg, depicted above, was a key moment in the Civil War. The 150th anniversary of the Civil War is upon us. April 12 is the anniversary of the […]

ROGER KIMBALL: THE FAIRNESS MEME We don’t know exactly what Barack Obama is going to say when he fires up his teleprompters at George Washington University tomorrow. The color, we do know, however: it’s red, as in “red ink,” what Mitch Daniels, at his speech at CPAC [1] earlier this year put it, called “the new red menace.” (I […]

MORE MIND CANDY FROM MARK STEYN: MAGIC MOMENTS WITH THE MUTAWEEN MAGIC MOMENTS WITH THE MUTAWEEN Steyn on America One of the reasons why I’m not in favor of Lindsey Graham–style appeasement is because many of the fellows we’re trying to stay on the right side of are, not to put too fine a point on it, nuts. They’re several suras short of a Koran. […]

MARK STEYN: DAVID DUKE A POSTERBOY FOR ISLAMISTS IN CANADA One day Toronto will be like Tangiers: There will be no Jews left except for a few very elderly ones who can’t sell their homes. The stupidity and short-sightedness of the Canadian Jewish Congress will bear at least part of the blame. Kathy Shaidle is right. This is a classic media trajectory: Something goofy happens […]

THE SAN REMO CONFERENCE: 91 YEARS AGO ALLIES ACCEPTED JEWISH RIGHTS TO THE LAND OF ISRAEL 91 Years Ago: At San Remo, Allies Accepted Jews’ Right to Land by Hillel Fendel The 91st anniversary of the first international recognition of Jewish national rights in the Land of Israel – namely, the San Remo Conference – will be commemorated in two weeks. The San Remo Conference was an international meeting of four of the […]