Federalism Is The Key To Demonstrating The Disaster Of Green Central Planning July 11, 2022/ Francis Menton


Central planning always fails, but the utopian visionaries implementing the plans cannot admit that they are at fault. A scapegoat must be found. As a leading example, when Soviet dictator Josef Stalin’s collectivization of agriculture led to mass starvation, the official blame was placed on “saboteurs” and “wreckers.”

Our current-day analog is the centrally-planned replacement of our very large, inexpensive and highly functional energy system, mostly based on fossil fuels, with the alternatives of intermittent wind and sun-based generation, as favored by incompetent government regulators who don’t understand how these things work or how much they will cost. Prices of energy to the consumer — from electricity to gasoline — are soaring; and reliability of supply is widely threatened.

All of which brings our President forth to blame the current price and supply issues in the energy markets on anything but his own administration’s intentional efforts to suppress the functional fossil fuel energy. One day the scapegoat is Vladimir Putin; another it is “companies running gas stations,” who stand accused of price gouging.

Unfortunately, a wide swath of the electorate is only too ready to believe that the failure of central planning is correctly blamed on the saboteurs or the wreckers or the price gougers or the Rooskies or whoever, rather than on the incompetent central planners. And the central planners can generally maintain their narrative, as long as they can impose their control widely enough to keep their subjects from becoming aware of successful alternatives.

Biden is the emperor with no clothes Charles Lipson


The emperor is naked. The public knows it, and they’re finally beginning to speak the obvious truth. The emperor, in this case, is the president. He took office with high hopes from voters and a promise to bring the country together. Those aspirations are dead. The public has lost confidence in Joe Biden — lost confidence that he can do the job, and lost confidence that he is even minimally competent. They certainly don’t think he has brought the country together (though they think Republicans share the blame for that).

This sour mood hurts more than the president. It hurts his entire party, and will be extremely hard to reverse.

Some decline in popularity is inevitable after a new president takes office. For Biden, however, the losses have been huge. They began as voters evaluated the president’s abrupt, incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan. They grew worse as inflation rose, and the president’s answer was to spend even more. The public never bought Biden’s attempt to blame these problems on Vladimir Putin, even though the Russian leader does bear some blame for higher gas prices: some blame, but not all. Inflation stretches well beyond the gas pump in any case, and fuel prices had begun rising well before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The sharp rise in gas prices is particularly damaging politically, for two reasons. First, the higher costs are passed through to other goods, which require transport. Second, consumers can see the shocking prices advertised every day on every street corner. They feel the pain directly when they fill up.

About half the rise in gas prices is attributable to Russia. The other half was a deliberate policy choice, supported by all national Democrats except Joe Manchin. The administration’s goal was to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels by making them more expensive.


Ron DeSantis


“We have taken action to protect the integrity of our elections by making ballot harvesting a felony, strengthening voter ID, eliminating drop boxes, and banning Zuckerbucks.”


Keep Schools Open and Reject Lockdowns
Educate, Don’t Indoctrinate
Ensure Parental Rights in Education and Keep Woke Gender Ideology Out of Schools
Support Robust Civics Education
Expand Workforce Development and Technical Education
Reject the use of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the Curriculum
Increase Teacher Pay
Continue Support for School Security and Mental Health Initiatives
Protect the Right of Parents to Petition School Boards and Districts for Redress of Grievances
Guarantee the Right of Parents to Curriculum Transparency

Why Biden’s ‘Gestures’ to The Palestinians Will Not Bring Peace or Stability by Bassam Tawil


The Biden administration might do itself a favor if it understood that previous “gestures” made by Israel did not contribute to peace and stability in the region, and did not advance any peace process between the Israel and the Palestinians.

There is much that the Palestinian Authority can do to ease tensions and help create a suitable atmosphere for the resumption of the peace process with Israel. The PA could, for example, stop the incitement against Israel, halt payments to families of terrorists, condemn terrorism and crack down on terror groups operating under its control.

It is this unresponsive governance by the Palestinian Authority to everything except killing Jews — not the absence of “gestures” — that strengthens the support for Hamas.

The Palestinians correctly spot these fig-leaf public relations “gestures” as just political plumage for Abbas that does not require him to change how he mistreats them. So why not try Hamas?

It was hard, in fact, to find anyone in the Gaza Strip who saw Israel’s withdrawal as a positive development or as a sign that Israel wanted peace and calm. Instead, it was seen as a validation of terrorism: We shoot, they run. Great! It’s working! So, let’s keep on doing that!

Until today, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group controlling the Gaza Strip, continues to portray the withdrawal as a “defeat” for Israel and “victory” for the terror groups. In addition, Hamas continues to describe the “expulsion” of Israel from the Gaza Strip as a first step towards achieving its goal of eliminating Israel and replacing it with an Iranian-backed Islamist state.

Here is what the official Fatah Facebook page published as late as May 25, 2022: “No statute of limitations will apply to our historical right to take back all the Palestinian land from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, including the [Jordan] River and the [Mediterranean] Sea” — thereby making an alliance with Hamas all the more tempting in order to accelerate the process.

The “gestures” and “concessions” will, in fact, be seen by the Palestinians, like Israel’s retreat from the Gaza Strip, as a reward for their ongoing incitement and terrorism against Israel.

The “gestures” the Biden administration is demanding are, according to the Israeli group Regavim, illegal…

In addition, talk about increasing the Palestinian Authority presence at the Allenby Bridge border crossing between Israel and Jordan — to signal joint sovereignty and authority over Israel’s border and the secession of its control and sovereignty over the Jordan Valley — will only create an immensely destabilizing situation, for which the Biden administration will justly be blamed.

If the PA is unable or unwilling to fight against the Palestinian terror groups, how can it be trusted to assume control over a border crossing between Israel and Jordan? Does the Biden administration seriously believe that Abbas’s representatives at the border crossing would thwart attempts by terrorists to smuggle weapons into Israel?

The US delegation, however, does not seem to care about the Palestinian incitement and terror, or even how the Palestinian people are misgoverned.

The Biden administration is making a big mistake by forcing Israel to make concessions to the Palestinian Authority. Rewarding it for bad behavior will only aggravate tensions between the Palestinians and their government, embolden the extremists among them and drive the Palestinian people even further into the waiting arms of Hamas.

On the eve of President Joe Biden’s visit to the Middle East, Israel is once again being asked by the US administration to make “gestures” to the Palestinian Authority. The purpose of these measures, according to the Americans, is to strengthen the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its president, Mahmoud Abbas.

Outrage greets The Post’s revelation of hidden migrant camps in Hamptons By  Jack Morphet and    Bruce Golding


Hamptons residents said Monday they were shocked to learn from The Post that illegal immigrants were living in the woods amid the area’s sprawling mansions — as outraged online commenters blamed nouveau-riche property owners and liberal voters.

“I haven’t seen homelessness in the Hamptons at all. The first I heard of it was when I read it in The Post,” a woman in Southampton said.

“I see those guys at the 7-Eleven in the morning waiting for work. I would imagine it’s impossible for them to find housing because it’s very expensive but you don’t see homelessness around town.”

Bill Gallo, 74, of Remsenburg, said, “I had no idea. I can’t imagine people here even know.”

“I bought a home in the Hamptons in 2015. I spend half my time in Florida and half my time here,” the retired grain trader said.

“You walk the streets of Southampton and you don’t see any homeless.”

Gallo added: “I imagined migrant workers lived in lower-income areas adjacent to the Hamptons, like certain areas in Riverhead or Speonk — very modest areas.”

As Whitmer Plays the Victim, the Justice Department Moves to Conceal More Evidence It appears that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and possibly one of her top advisors, were accomplices, not innocents, in a “foiled” kidnapping plot. By Julie Kelly


No one in national politics plays the role of victim better than Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

In a fawning 3,700-word puff piece published by the Washington Post over the weekend, reporter Ruby Cramer told the embattled governor’s self-described tale of woe: Whitmer isn’t really an ambitious political climber—the daughter of well-connected and wealthy parents, she started running for office in her 20s and was elected to the Michigan legislature at age 29—but rather a misunderstood and underappreciated champion of the people targeted because of her sex, looks, anti-Trump stance, lockdown orders, and pro-abortion views, among other unjustified reasons for “right-wing” derision. 

That’s Whitmer’s story, anyway.

Interviewed at the official governor’s summer residence in Mackinac Island, Whitmer and her daughters detailed the horrors of growing up in Clarence Thomas’ America while enjoying a taxpayer-funded getaway. “I live on a college campus,” Whitmer’s oldest daughter, Sherry, told Cramer. (Both daughters attend the prestigious University of Michigan.) “There are people out there who would force me into conceiving. It’s a scary thought.” She then admitted she really doesn’t have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy since she is a lesbian.

But the FBI-concocted plot to abduct and assassinate Whitmer remains a source of great angst for the governor even though she knew about it weeks, if not months, before the “kidnappers” were arrested. At some point during the summer of 2020, Whitmer told her family “there was going to be a story coming out soon about ‘some people plotting to kidnap and kill me.’” That disclosure, according to Whitmer, happened a few months after an anti-lockdown protest at the Lansing Capitol building in late April 2020.

From there, Whitmer’s recollection of the timeline gets fuzzy, if not revelatory. “When the kidnapping plot was announced, it was summer. And people were blowing up your phone, right?” Whitmer asked her daughters during the interview. “Yeah,” replied her daughter, Sydney.

Except that’s not what happened. Law enforcement made the arrests on October 7, 2020—fall, not summer. Whitmer for her part was ready to go the next day with a distraught video message blaming Donald Trump for inciting right-wing “militias” to attack her. The shocking news produced wall-to-wall negative headlines for Trump as millions of Americans were voting for president; Joe Biden took full advantage of the FBI’s latest gift to the Democratic Party, ranting from the campaign trail about Trump’s “dog whistles” to extremist groups.

The ‘Social Justice Factory’ and Biden’s Title IX Regulations The onerous new guidelines and their hazardous consequences. Richard L. Cravatts


In June, the Biden administration’s Department of Education rolled out new Title IX guidelines related to how schools must address sexual discrimination and widening the areas of personal interaction and who would be protected under the new rules.

The new language goes beyond sexual interaction and harassment germane to existing Title IX statutes and has broadened the types of incidents and various individuals who would now be protected.

In fact, the 701-page Biden Title IX regulations “Clarify the Department’s view of the scope of Title IX’s prohibition on sex discrimination, including related to a hostile environment under the recipient’s education program or activity, as well as discrimination on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity [emphasis added].”

The real question is not whether or not individuals who identify as belonging to the opposite gender from which they were born are correct in identifying as such. That is certainly their right. The problem for universities—and the students and faculty who are part of those communities—is whether one person’s gender dysphoria, sexual preference, or attitudes about gender and sexuality in general can, or should, compel others to not only agree with a biologically impossible reality, but to treat the transgender person with special deference or be punished for not admitting belief in something that is counterfactual, against religious beliefs, or transparently false.

Hochul’s Messianic Delusions Obey her orders on guns and vaccinations — or you’re a sinner. Matthew Vadum


New York’s bizarro governor, radical Democrat Kathy Hochul, whose party just rammed totalitarian anti-gun laws through the state legislature in Albany, seems to thinks she’s Jesus Christ.

Is this characterization of Hochul hyperbole? Decide for yourself.

In a wildly under-reported public sermon last year, Hochul zealously denounced the unvaccinated, accusing them of defying God’s will. The unvaccinated people she vilified are her own constituents. They have good reasons, religious or medical or otherwise, for avoiding the various vaccines, all of which have been shown to have serious side effects. The fact they reject the vaccines should not be her concern, but that would not be in keeping with leftist public health dogma, so their heresy must be punished.

America is supposed to be about freedom of choice, but that’s not the way fanatics like Hochul see things. This left-wing theocrat says she is entitled to be followed by “apostles” to spread the false gospel of public health charlatans, monomaniacal epidemiologists, corrupt statistical modelers, and their self-righteous enablers in the government and the media.

“We are not through this pandemic. I wished we were,” Hochul said September 26, 2021, at the Christian Cultural Center in New York City.

The Unvaccinated As Sinners

“But I prayed a lot to God during this time. And you know what? God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers, he made them come up with a vaccine that is from God to us. And we must say thank you, God, thank you. And I wear my vaccinated necklace all the time to say I’m vaccinated,” she said.

The Global Warming Golden Goose By Norman Rogers


Climate science was an obscure and unimportant corner of academia until the professors lucked out with global warming.  The global warming idea apparently struck a spark with the government and media establishments and caught fire.  Money and influence flooded from Washington to academia. 

In his farewell address in 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against the scientific-technological elite being dependent upon government grants. Eisenhower feared that the elite would use their influence and expertise to warp public policy for their own benefit. That is exactly what is happening. Global warming is only one of many current scientific frauds that enhance the welfare of the scientists and bureaucrats promoting the frauds.

Since World War II, the increasing flow of big money from Washington has contributed to a gradual change in the character of research universities. Money became more important than science. Administrators who were focused on money and power grew in number and became dominant. This change in character was documented in an important essay by the MIT scientist Richard Lindzen.

Global warming provided the professors and academic administrators with a junk science golden goose. They were determined to stop anyone from killing the goose. 

The global warming fraud revealed in one graph By Thomas Lifson


““Misrepresentation, exaggeration, cherry picking or outright lying pretty much covers all the so-called evidence marshalled in support of the theory of imminent catastrophic global warming caused by fossil fuels and CO2.”

Two highly distinguished emeritus professors – William Happer, Professor of Physics, Emeritus of Princeton and Richard Lindzen, Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Emeritus of MIT – have called out the corruption of science in the global warming/climate change fraud.

Their emeritus status is vital in giving them the freedom to speak frankly, because they are not dependent on a continuing flow of research grants to fund their work. Ever since the alarm was raised that global warming was an existential threat, billions of dollars a year has flowed to scientists willing to support the alarmist position, and thereby keep the money flowing. Were the threat to be acknowledged to be illusory, that money flow would stop and there would be a lot of unemployed climate scientists.

They recently filed a 28-page statement with the SEC, which is contemplating a proposed rule “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors,” laying out the reasons why the warmist alarm is unjustified.