The Iconoclast: JERRY GORDON Geert Wilders: A Warning to America Cornerstone Church, Nashville, 12 May 2011 Dear friends from Tennessee. I am very happy to be in your midst today. I am happy and proud to be in this impressive church. My friends, I am here to speak words of truth and freedom. Do you […]

MARK DURIE: LEAN YEARS AHEAD IN THE MIDDLE EAST What is going on in the Middle East involves a tangled mess of intersecting factors.  There is no single explanation for the unrest. Factors include demographics, failing economic policies, oppressive regimes, radical religion, and food.  David Goldman (who writes in the Asia Times under the name of Spengler) first drew my attention to the […]

DIANA WEST: KUSHNER AND COMMON CULTURE CHECK….GOTTAREAD This week’s syndicated column:: When (if) future historians look back to early 21st-century America, they should examine two cultural controversies of May 2011 for a quick read on Establishment sensibilities. One involves the bestowal, revocation and re-bestowal of an honorary degree on playwright Tony Kushner by CUNY, and one involves the invitation to Common, […]

Josh Gerstein: Arab-American activist who visted White House gets frozen funds back activist who visted White House gets frozen funds back Main Content – Josh Gerstein: Arab-American activist who visted White House gets frozen funds back An Arab-American activist who attended an official outreach meeting at the White House last year has gotten back about $5000 in money he had frozen by a bank last week, […]

MOSHE PHILLIPS: DESTROYING HAMAS IS THE ONLY GOAL THAT MAKES SENSE The May 11, 2011 Wall Street Journal editorial “Engaged to Hamas” at first glance seems like the type of clear thinking on the Middle East that is missing from The Washington Post and The New York Times. The conclusion of the editorial stated: There’s no way for any donor or for Israel, which transfers customs and other […]

ANDREW BOSTOM:Egyptian Democrats: “The victory of our revolution will not be complete without the liberation of Palestine” Andrew G. Bostom Egyptian Democrats: “The victory of our revolution will not be complete without the liberation of Palestine” More evidence of the true nature of the Arab Spring, which I have dubbed “Spring Time for Sharia in Araby.”  As Reuters reports from Alexandria, the purveyors of genocidal jihad martyrdom were out in force: […]

CAROLINE GLICK:Column One: Obama’s newest ambush Column One: Obama’s newest ambush Caroline B. Glick – The Jerusalem Post,  May 13th, 2011 Netanyahu doesn’t have to give in. He can stick to his guns and defend the country. It is hard to believe, but it appears that in the wake of the Palestinian unity deal that brings Hamas, the genocidal, al-Qaida-aligned, local […]

Creating Poverty Through ‘Social Justice’: Frank Salvato We have been hearing a lot about “social justice,” during the tenure of the Obama Administration. From Eric Holder to John Holdren, Lisa Jackson to Van Jones to President Obama himself, the goal of social justice appears to be at the forefront of Mr. Obama’s agenda for the country. But while the term sounds […]

ADRIAN MORGAN:Pakistan After Bin Laden: Rumors and Dissent The operation that resulted in the shooting of Osama bin Laden has elicited strong reactions, some positive, some negative. It is only to be expected that Islamists like Ismail Haniyeh (leader of Hamas in Gaza) would condemn the operation, referring to bin Laden as a “Holy Warrior”.  Anjem Choudary claimed that bin Laden’s supporters […]


Michael Lucas: A Gay Man For Israel Posted By Jamie Glazov Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Michael Lucas, the most mainstreamed, provocative, and controversial figure in gay adult entertainment today. A writer for the gay newsmagazine The Advocate, he describes himself as “a stranger among friends as I am a well-known gay man who […]