AMIL IMANI: THE ANACHRONISM OF APOSTASY Whereas the practice of slavery enslaves the body, the dogma of apostasy ensnares the mind. Whereas slavery is a shameful practice of the past, some shameless religionists still use the doctrine of apostasy to intimidate and severely punish people who elect to choose their own belief. Islam is extremely possessive of its subjects. It […]

VICTOR SHARPE: A LITTLE HISTORY NEVER GOES AMISS President Obama’s lugubrious policy of denigrating America whenever he visits developing Third World countries includes craven, mournful apologies for perceived past American sins to some of the world’s worst thugocracies. British Prime Minister, David Cameron, alas, appears to be sinking to the same level in apologizing for alleged British sins. The Prime Minister was […]

PROTECTING CHAVEZ: ENDANGERING AMERICA….FRANK GAFFNEY Protecting Chavez, endangering America? By Frank Gaffney, Jr. President Obama’s recent trip to three Latin American nations was absolutely surreal.  For one thing, he launched a war against Libya from there.  For another, he lauded and pledged support for offshore drilling in Brazilian waters that he has shut down in our own.  And he spoke […]

THE NEW AXIS OF JIHAD: PETER HUESSY US security policy in North Africa and the Middle East faces a dramatic test: will we be able to weave a strong tapestry of help for our allies and take down our enemies or will a new stronger coalition or “Axis of Jihad” banner arise from Iran to Tunisia? This coalition is now intent […]

THE CASE FOR PESSIMISM IN THE MIDDLE EAST: ROBERT WEISSBERG As events in the Middle East unfold (the “Arab Spring”), the obvious question is whether the changes in leadership will bring what the demonstrators demand. Will Egypt or Tunisia of tomorrow resemble the Egypt or Tunisia of yesteryear? Will the carnage in Libya and Syria be worth it if the old despots are kicked […]


End of Libya Conflict ‘Depends on Gadhafi Himself’,1518,druck-756609,00.html During Operation Odyssey Dawn, Major General Margaret Woodward coordinated the air campaign against Libya leader Moammar Gadhafi from the US’s Ramstein Air Base in Germany. She talked to SPIEGEL ONLINE about the challenges of that operation, German opposition to the military intervention and being a woman in […]

RYAN’S VISION AND BACHMANN’S COURAGE: DICK MORRIS Amid a Congress of baby steps, Paul Ryan strides like a giant. In a party of timidity, hand-wringing and hesitation, Michele Bachmann roars like a lioness. Together, Ryan and Bachmann are the core of the new, young Republican Party in the making, rising — as Gingrich did in 1994 — from the ashes of […]


The Mullahs Come to Assad’s Rescue Posted By Ryan Mauro The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad is in big trouble. It has killed over 200 civilians since the anti-government uprising began, but the unrest is spreading across the country. Assad has been forced to turn to Iran for help, and now, the Reform Party […]

THE SULTAN: LET’S HAVE A GOVERNMENT SALE The big scissors of destiny are clicking and clacking their way to our national credit card. If we don’t raise the debt limit, so we can borrow more money to pay the interest on the money we borrowed before, the scissors will come down like economic armageddon. And the big shiny credit card that […]

MELANIE PHILLIPS: AN OPEN LETTER TO THE CULTURE SECRETARY IN THE UK To the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport Dear Secretary of State, I am addressing this letter to you because of a matter of public concern so great that I believe it must be tackled by you personally. The issue is the BBC, and its coverage […]