GERMAN MEDIATION IN FREEING SHALIT FAILS,1518,druck-756172,00.html An Israeli Prisoner in Gaza German Mediation in Shalit Affair Faces Failure By Holger Stark German efforts to negotiate the release of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier who was captured by the Islamist Palestinian group Hamas in 2006, appear to have failed. Palestinian leaders have blamed the German mediator of siding with the Israelis, a […]


Obama’s Fort Hood Jihadist By Pamela Geller We have been hearing for years that the White House is withholding evidence on the Fort Hood jihadi, Major Nidal Malik Hasan.  Now comes direct confirmation of this from Hasan’s own lawyer. Major Hasan, also known as Soldier of Allah, according to his business card, mowed down […]

CONFESSION OF THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBER: JOHN DOE 2 EXISTS Confession of the Oklahoma City Bomber: John Doe 2 Exists By Jayna Davis The conviction of American terrorists, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, symbolizes the FBI’s crown jewel of criminal prosecutions.  So why do questions linger?  Does the official account of what transpired on April 19, 1995 reveal all that certain federal investigators know?  […]

REV. MALCOLM HEDDING: THE GROSS LIE OF “ISRAELI APARTHEID”- FROM ONE WHO EXPERIENCED THE REAL THING The Palestine Sentinel The gross lie of “Israel Apartheid” – from one who experienced the real thing. As a young minister in South Africa, Rev. Malcolm Hedding participated in the struggle against Apartheid in the 1980s and was threatened with detention without trial by the infamous Bureau of State Security. Today, he is the Executive […]

A DEFINING MOMENT IN EUROPE AS FRANCE IMPLEMENTS BURQA BAN France, on Monday, became the first European country to implement a legal ban on Muslim women wearing the veil-like Islamic headdress known as the burqa. Woman who violate the new directive face police detention, fines of 150 euros ($217) and compulsory re-education classes. Anyone – fathers, brothers, uncles, religious leaders or community leaders, for […]

WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM THE SOVIET UNION: THE SULTAN “We are at a dangerous intersection now, committed to a course we cannot sustain in any way, shape or form– but one we also cannot break from politically. The elites have warped everything from economics to foreign policy into unreal forms to sustain the illusion of momentum. We are crashing, but they pretend that […]

BIBI CAVES AGAIN DELAYS BUILDING IN JERUSALEM….SHAME ON HIM Israel delays approval of east Jerusalem housing IF JERUSALEM IS CONTESTED….THEN SO IS ALL OF ISRAEL….RSK JERUSALEM – The Israeli government has put off final approval of 2,500 new apartments in contested east Jerusalem at the prime minister’s request, an official said Monday. The office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had no comment. But […]

DISSAPOINTING ELECTION NEWS FROM PERU:By Frank Bajak…PLEASE SEE NOTE “In fourth place was Alejandro Toledo, Peru’s president from 2001-2006, with 15.9 percent. Pre-election polls showed he could defeat Mr. Humala in a second round while Mr. Kuczynski and Ms. Fujimori would have a harder time.” TOO BAD HE’S TRAILING..TOLEDO IS A MEMBER OF AZNAR’S FRIENDS OF ISRAEL INITIATIVE AND A VERY DECENT MAN…..THE […]

THE BRAZILIAN MURDERER OF 12 CHILDREN WAS A MOSLEM Brazil school shooter: “Four hours every day I spend reading the Koran” Wellington Menezes de Oliveira murdered twelve children in a school in Realengo, a poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro, last Thursday. Here is more indication that the shooting was jihad-related, rather like the attempted murders that Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar committed in North […]

JIHADISTS RECRUITING AND RADICALIZING SOMALI YOUTHS IN CANADA Jihadis “are radicalizing and recruiting Somali-Canadian youths within Canada to travel to Somalia for jihad training” In what sense were these twenty Somali Muslims ever really “Canadians” at all? What did Canada gain by welcoming them or their parents into the country? “20 Canadians have joined Somalian terror group: official,” by Stewart Bell for […]