THE ADL IS ANTI FREE SPEECH: DIANA WEST THE ADL IS ANTI FREE SPEECH On the one hand, to be smeared by the Anti-Defamation League for combatting the incursions of Islamic law into this country is a badge not just of honor — which it is — but of effectiveness. To be smeared by the ADL as “anti-Muslim” is a sign that […]

HAMAS GLORIFIES 2003 BOMBING WHICH KILLED 17 IN HAIFA From the official website of Hamas’ military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, 31 March 2011: The Operation that Shook Haifa and Killed 17 Zionists (with Photos) al-Qassam – exclusive: Eight years have passed, and yet the memory of the heroism displayed by that man remains vivid in our minds. Eight years ago a member of the al-Qassam Brigades, […]

APRIL 2011 MIDEAST OUTPOST ONLINE APRIL 2011 OUTPOST April issue, issue #242 of Outpost and 41st  year of publication. EXCLUSIVE: WILLIAM MEHLMAN “THEY KILL, WE BUILD” ‘They Kill, We Build’ William Mehlman  It’s hard to imagine anything more dispiriting than this shiva  message from  Benjamin Netanyahu to the parents and surviving children of Udi and Ruth Fogel, victims, with […]

FRANK SALVATO: PULEEZ!!! NO MORE JAMIE GORELICK No, No, No! No More Gorelicks!Frank Salvato   With all the absurdities in the world, with all the absurdities coming out of the Obama Administration, perhaps one of the most jaw-dropping, one of the most egregious, one of the most spectacular, is the notion that the person who single-handedly erected “the wall” between the […]

HOT PICKS AND VIDEOS AT FSM 1. Video: 3 Middle Eastern Men Tried to Enter U.S. Marine base Camp Pendleton…Was it a wrong turn or perhaps a dry run? 2. Video: Ohio Legislature Voted To Severely Limit Collective Bargaining Rights of Public Workers 3. Video: Speaker Boehner (R) On Budget: “Pass The Damn Thing” 4. Video: Barney Frank (D): Bachmann […]


Democracy or Dollars?Weapons Sales to the Arab World under Scrutiny By Benjamin Bidder and Clemens Höges,1518,754224,00.html In recent years, Western countries have made a bundle selling arms to Arab despots. But, as with Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, some of yesterday’s buyers have become today’s enemies. Now major weapons exporters must seek a new balance […]

GOOD NEWS: UN ANTI-BLASPHEMY MEASURE LAID TO REST…A BATTLE FOR FREEDOM WON: NINA SHEA An Anti-Blasphemy Measure Laid to Rest An essential battle for freedom is won at the U.N. A long-term campaign by the U.N.’s large Muslim bloc to impose worldwide blasphemy strictures — like those in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran — was given a quiet burial last week in the Human Rights Council, the U.N.’s […]

THE TEA PARTY GOES TO WAR: WILLIAM BENNET AND SETH LEIBSOHN INTERVIEWED ON THEIR NEW BOOK The Tea Party Goes to War A rallying cry for The Fight of Our Lives. ‘Let us avoid . . . suicide.” William J. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn certainly know how to grab your attention. In their call to arms, The Fight of Our Lives: Knowing the Enemy, Speaking the Truth & Choosing to Win the War Against […]

HILLARY CLINTON CALLS THIS BRUTAL THUG “A REFORMER”…..CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer. — Hillary Clinton on Bashar al-Assad, March 27 Few things said by this administration in its two years can match this one for moral bankruptcy and strategic incomprehensibility. First, it’s […]

ROBIN SHEPHERD: THE UK’S DISASTROUS POLICY ON ISRAEL Britain’s policy on Israel a total mess By Robin Shepherd, March 31, 2011 The bizarre, contradictory mess that is British foreign policy towards Israel was on display yet again last week with that great stage of fools, the United Nations Human Rights Council, providing the setting. It rarely makes a difference what’s on the […]